Babydoshia, thank you very much for the warmwelcome. I just posted a new topic that will tell you a little bitabout myself if your interested. Again THANK YOU very much.
Welcome back- although I didn't know you were gone since I am kind ofnew here but you must have been missed because Carolyn has an amazingpost with all kinds of happy smiley faces jumping up & down!
Carolyn- where so you find all those special effects??? SOOO cute
How's my little Cupcake doing? Haven't seen any pictures of her lately.
I get the icons from I don't use them at home,however, because they're said to be a 'spyware'. Buck Jones had troublewith his computer crashing with it. My computer at work has all kindsof guards and protection against such things so I use them there.Believe me, I was glad when Dajeti2 signed on while I was still atwork.
Back to those pictures of Cupcake??
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Dear Tina,
Sorry I blew your cover. I just was so happy to see you online.
You haven't told these beautiful and kind people a smidgen about Apollo.
Tell us a story! (By the way, babydoshia, Apollo's a Giant Flemish.)