Hey everyone! I have a female dutch rabbit that is approximately 5 months old. Her name is Dutchess and she is half white and half grey and absolutely precious.
My main reason for coming onto this forum is to find a way for her to like other rabbits. I brought in another female (I learned this was a mistake) that was about her age and they absolutely did not get along. I decided to sell the dwarf I got to pair with Dutchess. A local pet shop has several baby rabbits (about a month old). I was wondering if she would pair better since she is younger? I'm sure there is a thread already started on this, so a point in the right direction would be great!
My main reason for coming onto this forum is to find a way for her to like other rabbits. I brought in another female (I learned this was a mistake) that was about her age and they absolutely did not get along. I decided to sell the dwarf I got to pair with Dutchess. A local pet shop has several baby rabbits (about a month old). I was wondering if she would pair better since she is younger? I'm sure there is a thread already started on this, so a point in the right direction would be great!