Hey yall! I am a newbie, and may need some help soon.

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
, New Brunswick, Canada
Well, as I said I am a newbie to the site... Idont have a bunny at the moment but am getting one next week. I am newto the breed, not the anmial, I have owned bunnies before, but I ambuying a LionHead, and it will be my first...

I am here to ask questions about possible names, and about the breed. And after i get him/her, to post lots of pictures!

Now a little about me... I am 15, blond, tall, and I am coping with thedeath of a close friend who shot himself on May 5th. SoI maynot be on a hole lot in the start, but will be on loads as soon as Iget my bunny....

Well, theres my big hello from NB Canada, and I hope you all have a great day :)

Hi there :)

Welcome to the site.

It sounds like you are going to be well prepared for the arrival of your new bun, and hopefully you will find the site helpful.

I'm truly sorry about your friend. I can relate in the sense that a fewclose friends have attempted suicide on multiple occasions, and if youever need to talk about it, my PM box is always open :)

I look forward to seeing pics of your new buns, and seeing you around the forum.

Take care of yourself

Thanks so much Tracy. They arnt sure he wastrying to commit suicied, they think he may have been high, and had agun (for some stupid reason) and he ended up shotting himself in thegut, which makes it worse, knowing he spent his last moments sufferingas he slowly died. I will always miss him... To make matters evenworse, the cops said, had somone been home ,they may have been able tosave him, but his parents had been gone for a while, and just left himand his older sister alone. I will be sure to remember thatif I need to talk, your always open, and thanks again.

As for me being prepared, thats what I am going for :)I am very excited, and wish I could go get him/her now!

Thanks again!


I'm so sorry about that, I wish I could saysomething to make it better, but it's never that easy. They(being professionals) may think that someone being home might havesaved him, but you never know, so try not to pin all your thoughts onthat. Remember that it's ok to miss him, forever, but remember that hismemories still live within you and will forever. :hug1

Lionheads are beautiful :) Hopefully you will find all you feel youneed to know here, or at least be directed to a place that can help.People here know so much, so you have come to the right place :)

Thanks again Tracy, I am trying not tofeelbad about things I couldnt stop. But me and him hadntbeen as close after our best friends stoped going out, and I cant helpbut think had I stayed close to him I could have saved him. Ihate to be happy knowing he will never be happy again, and I hatelaughing with a friend, knowing he will never be able to again. God, Imiss him so much.

Lionheads are very pretty. I am really excited, I have always wantedone, but I could only have Netherland dwafs, and once they let me havea Flemish Giant, but something got her out in the barn :(....

Thanks again and again, and agian!!

I have a feeling I will like this forum...

You could not have prevented it, especially ifit was an accident. If it was an accident, it was a tragic accident,not one that could have been foreseen. If it was suicide, then nomatter what anyone did, if he really wanted to die, he would have founda way to do that, no matter what.

Stopping yourself from being happy would not be what he wanted. Hewould have wanted you to be happy, to achieve what you want in life andfulfil your dreams, I am sure.

Laughing with a friend is something that any friend does. He has notstopped being your friend, and you and he can share jokes. I have lostpeople close to me and have gone to their graves and talked to them andlaughed at things that have happened. I like to think their souls wereamused too.

It's ok to miss him. Allow yourself to grieve, to miss him, talk abouthim, remember him. Maybe also think about something like bereavementcounselling as you may find it helpful :)

Netherland Dwarfs are the breed that I keep, and they are lovely, butlionheads just look super cute :D I can't wait to see some pictures :)

It's only a week left :) Not long now.
I know I couldnt have done anything ot stop him.And I do miss him, and I will be going to visit his grave every chanceI get.... Life will behard without him thoguh, he was alwaysthe guy that could make me believe things would get better. When I wassad he cheered me up, when I needed help, he helped. And now its just amatter of not having such a great person there for me.

I loved my Dwarfs, but like my flemish Giant, somethingi n the barn gotthem (all 3!!!) I was stunned, and know for a fact, my lionhead WILLNOT be going out to the barn... Now its just a time for me to clean myroom...

Yay I am excited... Its actualy a bit more that a week... 10 days to beexact! But I am going to go down and pic which one I want, and see ifits a male or female, and take a few pics sometime this week. After Igo to the doc of course. (They think I have carpentunnle (sp?) fromtyping and horse bac kriding :()

Thank you so much, its so great to be able to talk to some one about it, your really a GREAT help!


I'm sorry about your buns, that must ahve been awful. But it is goodyou have learnt from it and your new bun will be somewhere else :)

Good luck at the docs. I assume you are taking about carpeltunnelsyndrome? My mums friend had that, and after having an operation it hastotally sorted itself. So good luck.

There's nothing more comforting for me than hugging a bunny. :bunnieskiss

There's a great Librarypost for Bunny Proofing your room if you haven't seen it, yet.

(And hi from the left coast! :Canada: Glad you've joined us!)

sas :)
I will be sure to keep my new bun in a safe place.

I havent yet read the room thing, but will take a look.

I am also glad to see another canadian :) yay.

I look forward to those bunny hugs... Its been a really hard time, and I need all the comfort I can get...

And Flashy, thats what I am talking about, and I am thinkingwe will probably try the braces for a while before operation... I hope!

Hi Shay and welcome to the forum! I figured since I posted in one of your other threads I should officially welcome you here.

Im so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I know how difficultit is to lose someone you love, especially when its so unexpected andunnecessary. Im here if you ever need to talk.

As Pipp said, theres not much more comforting than hugging a bunny. Having someone to love and hold can help you heal.

Thats great that youre getting a lionhead and that you will be able tokeep him inside. Have you seen the NIC condos a lot of us have built?Heres the linkhttp://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=15348&forum_id=1Itsvery cheap and easy to build too!

I have a lionhead myself! His name is Mr. Tumnus and he is amazing. They are such a fun breed. This is my guy:


His color is called a broken tort. Do you know what color you will begetting? Im so excited for you. Keep us posted and feel free to asklots of questions.

I do indeed know which colour I am getting.. Iam getting a Tort, or a Sport,(if thats what they are called)but I am pretty sure I want the Sport

Not sureif it will be a girl or boy, but seeing as its myonly bun, mom said I can get what ever I want. So the one I choose nomatter what gender will be the one I get.

Your bun is VERY cute! How old is he?

Hes a rescue I found living in the wild so Idont know his exact age, but we think hes going to be about 2 yrs old.Actually, tomorrow is one year from when I caught him!

One thing to consider when deciding whichsexyouwant isto think about if you canafford to spay/neuter your bun. If you get a girl, she really needs tobe spayed for health reasons (they can get ovarian cancer). If you geta boy, its still recommended because it helps with litter training andbehavior, but its not as essential.

I personally like boys better. My boys are very calm and loving, but girl is very fiesty.
Welcome Shay!:wave2

Oooooo lionheads are such a great breed! One of my favourites, I have a little lionhead, Maddie, that I got in March.


Their personalities are just something else. She took to me in just acouple of days, she sits for hours on my knee just flopped out, and shegrooms me a lot. They are curious little things too, you are just goingto love having her or him!:biggrin:

Anyways,I hope you enjoy being a part of this forum, it's a great community,

~Michaela and the girls~ :bunny16:bunny16:bunny16
Thank you so much, I am already positive I love it here! You are all so nice and welcoming. :)

I very much look forward to being able to post pictures of my newbunny. I will be goingo t ohave a look at them all and pick which one Iwant tonight I hope. I will tak ethe camera, and if I am aloud, I willtake a pictures or two.

Thanks again.

Hi! Welcome to the forum. I'm a lionhead breederso if you have any questions - feel free to send me a PM (privatemessage) up on the top right hand corner of your page. See where itsays, "No New Messages" (unless you have some)? You can click on that -type in my name - and ask me any questions...

I'm online a lot....and we do have lots of other lionhead owners on here too.


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