Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! My friend told me about this forum (Nut...she is fairly new here too)! I'm so happy I can join a community with so many other rabbit lovers. I'll tell you a little about me, and then I will get on to the bunnies!
I have been an owner of rabbits for most of my life. I had a mixed breed rabbit (she was very large and had medium length hair, all brown, named Muffy) and a Netherland Dwarf rabbit named Blackie (what a name...hey, give me a break, I was only about four
). Blackie lived about seventeen years (he was about eightwhen we adopted him). Yes, seventeen years (give or take maybe two). Muffy, sadly died way before her time due to an infectious disease (I do not know much about what it was exactly
). After Blackie passed away, I went for a pretty long while without a rabbit. Then I finally got an English Spot/Rhinelander mix (or I think that is what she is...any suggestions welcome)! I loved her markings and she reminded me of a chocolate/marshmallow treat, so I named her Smores. After some time (probably around two years after I got her) she generated the name Speri (as my username is...hehehehe, I just think it was unique enough to be my name for the forum
). The day before yesterday I invested in re-doing Speri's abode. lol I bought her a new cage, new water bottle, nice, new hay rack, a toy filled with alfalfa hay and various honey coated seeds, a wooden toy with a bell that hangsand a litter pan. She seemes very content with her new house, I can see she seemes a bit more relaxed and active (a lot more space for her to run around
). I never even tried to litter train Speri, but as soon as I put that litter pan in there, she took to it right away and has not had an accident all day today. I'm very proud of her. I am planning on buying Speri a harness so we can have some outdoor experiences.
Well, I hope to get to meet a bunch of new bunny owners and their lovely rabbits themselves!
I have been an owner of rabbits for most of my life. I had a mixed breed rabbit (she was very large and had medium length hair, all brown, named Muffy) and a Netherland Dwarf rabbit named Blackie (what a name...hey, give me a break, I was only about four