hey there like it says Iam new and I have a question , I havent gotten a bunny yet and I would like to know what breed of bunny is small , like under 6 pounds small , can anyone help me? thank you:thumbup
Some bunnies are perfectly fine with no fruits and vegs. You could continue and offer him the food, and maybe he will come around to eating them. Try giving him some fresh grass or dandelions first.I have a 5-6 month old black male lionhead and he doesnt want to eat his fruits or veggies,
Hi there! I have made the mistake of feeding my bun too much fruit, as he is a little chubby. I have cut back to a very limited amount of this and stick to timothy hay, pellets and dark leafy greens.. kale, cilantro, spinach and the like. Yes, carrots are high in sugar! Good luck! I'm sure you will find something he will like!I HAVE A QUESTION, I'm new and i don't know where to post questions, I have a 5-6 month old black male lionhead and he doesnt want to eat his fruits or veggies, I've tried apples,carrots,tomatoes,oranges,lettuce but he just doesnt want to eat, I've tried putting them in his cage and an hour later its still untouched, he eats his pellets and timonthy hay but he refuses to eat it, he is very active and can be bad at timesbut I just need help, please email me an answer because again I am new and i have no idea whether or not someone will or has answered this question, Thanks
French lops are a large breed. They weight 10 pounds and up and have not maximum weight.Is a french lop small, or is it a medium to large breed?