Active Member
Hey all! I'm a college student but I'm still living at home with my parents. I have a bunny named Carlisle. He's got gray fur and lopped ears. He's super cute!! My friend found him in her back yard, and asked around and he escaped but nobody wanted him. =( So she gave him to me. I don't know how old he is, but he looks a few years old to me. He started out pretty scary cause he would nip me and grunt at me and head butt me all the time. But now we've been bonding and he's not mean anymore. His favorite treat (only for very special occasions) is banana. He uses a litter pan (even inside his hutch) and insists on drinking water from a bowl instead of a bottle. I keep him inside during the really hot or really cold days, but on nice days he stays in his hutch outside where he can hop around up top or go down the ramp into the grass. My mom doesn't like him inside the house, esp. since I'm gone most of the day and we have an inside dog. So he stays in a play area inside when he is indoors. I love my bunny!