Hey, Dootsmom!

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You never saw this, did you, Dootsmom?

Congratulations! Helen told me you picked up the Bunnies yesterday. How are they doing?

Dear Buck,

Thank you for having enough trust in me that I now have Maizie, Mickie, and Mitzie.

They were loved, by you...I hope I can be as good a "parent" as you were to them.

In case you are not aware, I spoke to "the Misses" on Sunday andarrangements were made to pick up the Buns, the next day(Monday). Thought we'd hit the Shore and make it a Beach Day,at the same time. The Weatherman said that it was supposed tobe a lovely day..."rain in the evening". Yeahright!!!!

It rained all the way down (a 2 hour drive)!!! Fortunately,there was a lull in the rain (just a light drizzle) by the time we gotto your house. We (my Hubby Jim, & I) finally got tomeet the infamous "Misses", and your lovely daughter. Wetalked about you (I'm sure your ears were ringing!!) anddiscussed the Buns. Then off to the beach, wewent. Did I tell you about the rain? Well, wedidn't get to enjoy the beach...got to stick our feet in the freezingwater, for about 2 minutes, when the sky opened up
and drenched us!! Oh, well!!!

We went back to the house and, throught the rain drops, got theBuns. We also got a large branch (8 feet) fo that lovely treethat is growing in your back yard!

Here are some pictures: http://www.whitescarver.com/gallery/BucksBuns

The ride home would have been uneventful if it haden't been for myhubby's suggestion, because it was coming on rush hour) that we take adifferent route home. The 2 hour ride became a 3 1/2 hourendurance test...mind you, we only added 11 more miles to the returntrip!!!! I have just given up smoking and patience is notsomething that I have, right now! The Buns were fine....Iwanted to kill!!!

Anyway, we finally made it home & I got the Buns into their"new homes", right away. The rain was still comingdown, in torrents! I took a couple of pics.

This morning the rain is still coming down. I ran outside and took a quick look at
the Buns. Mitzie seems to be quite content and had eaten herhay. She was sitting there, taking in the scenery, and wasvery relaxed. Mickie & Maizie are in a smaller hutch(same size that they had) than I am going to have them in.However, with the rain, I just wanted to get them out of the crate& into a bigger area. As soon as the rain letsup...40 days...they will be moved into their Duplex. Theyseem to be okay, just a little confused about what hashappened.

The rain has let up a bit...have to go out & feed them & pet heads.

I'll keep you posted.

Again, thank you for giving them to me.

Your friend, Charlotte

Thanks for the update!!

Give Mitzie a big hug and a kiss on dah nose from me, k?


PS: Kind of spookie seeing a topic by Buck. Especially after my "experience" on Sunday.
Mickey looks so cute standing up.:) What a lovely home they now have. I'm so glad tofinally have pictures of Mickey and Maizie.

Agreed The Missus is lovely. She said the same thing aboutyou last night on the phone. Buck, no doubt, is looking downand smiling - very relieved that his babies ended up withyou. He was very concerned about them. Know thatyou took a load off of his mind before he died knowing that you weretaking them.

God Bless Your Good Heart, Charlotte.

Helen and I look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks.


They all are cute. I love the white one with acute little button nose. I feel bad for the missus since it was Bucksbuns and she has to let it go. But I know that she would rather see thebuns happy than sad. I am glad that you are able to help her out withthe precious bun.
Angelscavies-n-buns wrote:
They all are cute. I love the white one with a cute littlebutton nose. I feel bad for the missus since it was Bucks buns and shehas to let it go. But I know that she would rather see the buns happythan sad. I am glad that you are able to help her out with the preciousbun.

The Missusis keeping Ernestine. The rest of theherd was just too much for her to keep. The rabbits werereally Buck's 'thing'. They were his passion and his love.


Here's Ernestine, and she's the sweetest little bun going.
Angelscavies-n-buns wrote:
She is a pretty dutch bun. I like the name for her.
The "cross" on her ear makes her super special. When I met Buck and theMissus they were so proud to introduce me to her and show me that.


I never noticed that until you mentioned it. Socute and she is a special one for the missus and She will keep her busynow that Buck is not with her. Also she will remind him of Buck verymuch.

Angelscavies-n-buns wrote:
I never noticed that until you mentioned it. So cute and sheis a special one for the missus and She will keep her busy now thatBuck is not with her. Also she will remind him of Buck very much.

Yes, absolutely. :)

JimD wrote:
Angelscavies-n-buns wrote:
She is a pretty dutch bun. I like the name for her.
The "cross" on her ear makes her super special. When I met Buck and theMissus they were so proud to introduce me to her and show me that.


Yes, they were funny about that. They called me when they gothome to tell me that they met you, were home safe and sound, you were asweetheart, and that you met Ernestine and saw her cross. :)

Carolyn wrote:
JimD wrote:
Angelscavies-n-buns wrote:
She is a pretty dutch bun. I like the name for her.
The "cross" on her ear makes her super special. When I met Buck and theMissus they were so proud to introduce me to her and show me that.


Yes, they were funny about that. They called me when theygot hometo tell me that they met you, were home safe and sound, you werea sweetheart, and that you met Ernestine and saw her cross. :)

There' a lot of sad/sweet memories in that meeting.

Buck dumping Woody Pet in the McD's parking lot......and me going"You're not gonna throw that out are you?".....and Buck chuckling atthat.

The Missus so proudly introducing me to Ernestine and showing me thecross on her ear......snow was coming down likecrazy....the look on Erestine's face as if to say, "It'snice to meet him Mommy, but can you put me back in the nice warm vannow?"

And Buck's handshake at the end........and him saying, "You're going tothe party, right!!".....and me replying,"You bet!!! I'll see you boththere!!"


The Missus commented on how handsome you were. It's the kindof people they are; theyseethe good inpeople. They were amazed that you had gotten there soquickly. They were heading up to my place the next day orso. I remember the rush to get Rosie to you because theydidn't have the best accommodations for her.

I didn't know about the Woody Pet. Too Funny. Why did he do that - ice on the drive?

You guys were crazy to drive that night. It was aBLIZZARD. I worried so much about the three of you.Everyone on the forum was waiting, waiting, waiting, for you and Buckto write a reply when you got home.

Still can't believe you lunatics went out in that horribleweather. The Missus so looks forward to seeing you again,Jim.


Awwwwwww Too bad missus couldn't go withoutBuck. I know that the party will be happy and sad moments since thereprobably will be a memoriam of him.
The Missus is going to the party. :)

She's bringing the memory boards of Buck and his family members andsome other things of Buck's. It will be happy and sad isright.


She most certainly Does, JimD. She Most Certainly Does.


Awesome that is great that she will be there. Iknow that Buck does not want her to be greeving for him and not bethere since he can't. Thats how I would feel if that happened to me.Iwould want my hubby to go and have a good time if I was not around.

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