Hey, Bramble Briar86

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Buck Jones

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Down the shore in, New Jersey, USA
Okay, now, you have befuddled me! LOL

On the one hand, you ask for assistance regarding some of themost basic bunny practices, like what to feed your buns, and, on theother hand, you're proffering advice, quite detailed I might add,regarding the kindling of "pups," as you refer to them.

Either, you know more about rabbitsthan youappearedto initially, or, you were "testing the waters," so to speak, to see ifpeople here were up to the task of providing worthwhile advice andsuggestions.

On the one hand, you use language not usually found in the vocabularyof the run-of-the-mill teenager, yet you do make spelling errors infairly simple words, in spite of the availability of "spell check" inthe task bar.

The dichotomous nature of your posts poses an enigma for me that I finddifficult to resolve. Perhaps, you could provide a littlemore information about your rabbit experience in order for me to get abetter grasp upon where you are coming from?


quite true, if i might clear some things up. i would have answered sooner but, when i got on this post was on the bottom.

the misspelled words are just my error. going 50wpm+ you can get your fingers crossed typing. apologies on the befuddling.

books, books, books. my books give me knowledge far better thananything yet known. i was "testing the waters" so to speak. i didn'tknow who could give the best advice if my books failed me.

i have had three rabbits total. Sugar (may she rest in peace, <isay this through gritted teeth, lol>) Bramble and Briar. but, ifthat may seem far too few to give advice, i'm more experienced than youknow.

somehow i take that post you just wrote as a compliment? maybe?lol

Thank you for the "clarification." Itdoes befuddle me less, now, that I know where your"information"derives from. In point of fact, muchof what I have learned about rabbits was obtained in the very self-samemanner...extensive reading, so I am wholly in favor of that approach.

I find this forum very beneficial because my reading can besubstantiated or denigrated, depending upon thecircumstances, by many of the posters, who have more experience than Ido.

I am not terribly interested in breeding, so my knowledge andexperienceis fairly thin in that area. I do not,therefore, offer too much advice in those areas and rely on those herewho have undergone a great morewealthof study,research and experience in that area.

You are at a place where people don't usually have an "ax to grind," orsome private agenda, personal, political, or otherwise. It isa good place to learn and to share your experiences.

We've owned 11 pet rabbits to date, six of whom are still with us andfive who aredeceased. They've all been pets andneutered before arrival here, or shortly thereafter, because we do notcare to add to the abundance of "throwaway" bunnies prevalentthroughout the county, much like Bramble and Briar, I dare say.

We currently have one house bunny and five outside bunnies,two bonded heterosexual pairs and one "widow." The outsidebunnies are given the opportunity to free range on alternative daysbecause individuals outside the bonded element will fight with oneanother. When they are not in their respective hutches, theyhave access to a ground level "safe house," within which they mayretreat if threatened by predatory circumstances, real or imagined.

I have a "rabbit library" of about 40 volumes, ranging inexpertisefrom the sublime to the ridiculous and find itdifficult to pass by any printed matter about rabbits. Iparticularly enjoy, now, looking for "old" rabbit workspublished up to the middle of the 20th century. Rabbitsowners, then, dealt with many of the same problems wedo nowand I enjoy seeking their "homespun" solutions to those self-samedifficulties.

I tend to, as you can readily see, to be very "long-winded" in my postsin an effort to be very clear and thorough. Hopefully, youwill not be put off by that vagary of mine. Much of it is theresidual effect of having taught high school history for 32years in a previous life. LOL

No better Internet place to learn more about rabbits than here, Isuspect, at least for a well rounded "general" background in rabbithusbandry. The experience will certainly come with time andonly serve to make you more proficient.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I enjoy "knowing things"sometimes, just for the sake of knowing them. That also comesfrom having been a former teacher, I suspect.*chuckle* Yourpost above hasbeen ofinvaluable assistance to me in that respect.

See ya, out and about the Forum, eh?

I'm sorry to inform you buck but i'll probably beleaving this forum for another. no body believes me anymore so i mightas well save my precious time and go to another website where myopinion is valued, if not valued, at least believed.


You know, ellie[sic}, I thought as much wouldhappen eventually. If we have maligned you in error, Isincerely apologize and invite you to stay, but if you have been"toying" with us, perhaps, it is bestyou leave.

That is a decision you will have to make at this point. I'msure you realize that your posts have generated some amountof suspicion about your motives, and, perhaps, that has to do withrelative immaturity, or other more significant issues upon your part.


As you wish, Bramble.

* * * * * *

Just for the record, Rabbits Only takes trolling Very Seriously.One is immediately reported to the FCC if banned, their ISP address ismonitored carefully on the chance they try to logon under a differentusername. If the person persists more than once, we press chargesagainst them.

yes you have wrongly accused me but i am slightlytake a-back. i don't know how to respond. this is the best forum outthere and i personally don't see how i have aroused suspision. if youcould explain...?


The evidence is in your posts and as Buck had pointed out in starting this thread.

I will not engage with you.

I have made myself clear to you in posts.

I will try to bebrief. We have had our "family feelings" hurt by a few trolls recently.So, our suspicions run high at the moment. I have remained quiet in thebackground reading as this has gone on. I can see how you may have madesome of these "mistakes" innocently. I can also see where they may havebeen made by a person who was trying to get into our inner circle, tolook innocent and pull us in, so to speak. We are a helpful, caringgroup. Usually not judgmental. When several of us question a person atthe same time, it would be a sign that there is a problem. That is thebest explanation I think we could give you.

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
yes you have wrongly accused me but i am slightly takea-back. i don't know how to respond. this is the best forum out thereand i personally don't see how i have aroused suspision. if you couldexplain...?


I think you'll find that most of us appreciate a newcomer being upfront and giving as much information as possible about their situation,so that we can be as helpful in our responses as possible. Itis also time consuming to answer posts, and I always check myreferences before hitting the "send" key.

I often spend many hours researching in order to answer certain postsas I am always learning and will never know everything there is to knowabout the care and maintenance of rabbits. I have many yearsof experience, at one time owned over 200 rabbits (currently trying towhittle down to a more manageable number now that my son has movedout), have handled thousands of rabbits and raised thousands ofbabies. I am also an ARBA Judge and my daughter recentlyacquired her ARBA registrars license. At one time, my son wasone of the top 20 open Holland Lop breeders in the nation and my kidshave won numerous awards in their rabbit hobby.

All of us on this board enjoy sharing our experience and knowledge withthose who truly appreciate what has gone into gaining thisknowledge. I have been on numerous forums for many years, andyou will certainly find that rabbits.com is the forum to be on if youare looking to find extensive and accurate information on the care ofrabbits.

You'll find however, that we don't take well to being toyed with and are not fond of "cat & mouse" games.


I guess it started with your "testing thewaters," so to speak. It quickly became apparent that you "knew" morethan you initially let on, which was a bit disingenuous on your part

Then, for me, the choice of very sophisticated words aligned withmisspelling of simple words, which you attribute to rapid typing.

Thirdly, your proffering of advice, when shortly before you were"frantically" requesting help. Somehow, the two situationsdid not sit comfortably for me.

After claiming some experience in 4-H and whatnot, you chose to referto baby bunnies as "pups" and most quasi-knowledgeable people know thatit is kits or kittens. So your knowledge level is sort ofunbalanced, or, perhaps, you are playing games with us, like when"testing the waters."

As I teacher of 32 years, I sometimes got intuitive about situationsthat didn't "line up" in my thinking, and more often than not, when Idiscounted those uneasy feelings, I lived to rue the day I didso. Suffice it to say, you had and have elicited suspicionupon my part and, apparently, others as well.

Lastly, your propensity to run in the face of some questioning servesto support my contention that, perhaps, you are not all that you seemto be. A genuinely interested person might chalk it up togetting off on the wrong foot, and attempt to work atregaining members' trust and confidence once again.The fact that you feign surprise at this turn of events and requestclarification further strikes me as disingenuous, unless, as I said, itis a sign of relative immaturity, or other personal issues at work.

If you are really interested in remaining here, I beg to point out thatyou have not, if fact, been banned by anyone, only served notice andwarned. Other members here have started off in a similar,somewhat insincere manner, and have gone on to become valued andrespected posters here.

The choices(s) is(are), after all is said and done, up to you at this point.

i have called them pups because a number of myrabbits care books refer to them as that. including the american rabbitbreeders association, official guide to raising betterrabbits. few websites as well, although i know that theyare called kits because that's how i have referred to them in the past.

The books you have may be older, out of date, orby foreign publishers. You'll find that the ARBA guidebookrefers to them as "kits" through out the section on breeding and intheir glossary.

You will find that other countries and labs may refer to the young aspups, but as I had mentioned earlier, we call them "kits" in the UnitedStates and this is considered the correct repsonse for the 4-Hskill-a-thon and rabbit bowls. I believe you are from the USand interested in 4-H so you may find this info helpful :)

Bo B Bunny wrote:
...Oh, sorry Buck for my horrid grammar on here!LOL I sort of lose the ability to use proper grammar when I am"talking" online. My dots are for the pauses I would make inregular verbal conversation, and I am lazy ..... I will try to use thespellcheck here more often :p

Well, if your grammar and spelling are that horrid, I never noticed itparticularly and no apology is necessary. The juxtapositionof complicated wordsand poorly spelled ones in Bramble Briar86's posts just aroused my suspicions, hence the comment made by me.

I am not "grading" papers here and don't want to give thanimpression. I made my comments with certain intentions inmind and in the hopes of eliciting further information that would helpme to draw more definite conclusions about the situation.

I happed to be a fan of the ellipsis and use it quitefrequently myself, correctly or incorrectly, as the case may be and forthe same reason(s) that you do.




I know that I had a lot of misconceptions about rabbits when I joined(thanks for the help everyone, especially Pam the Great), although I'dbeen raising for over 12 yrs. My problem was that I had extensiveexperience in some areas and was uncertain in others--like kindling,breeding, etc. Most of my knowledge came from books in those areas, butthey all contradicted each other frequently, thus creating massconfusion. Plus my local breeder was feeding me some strange infotoo--especially about not touching kits (advice I followed, BTW,because the doe was borrowed and touchy!!). I had always felt a tingeof guilt because I thought....maybe Izzy's baby (4 yrs. ago, firstlitter)?died because I touched them all?too soon.

You know, it's just in the back of your mind...plus, if I can blame myself I will...:p?

Hey, BTW, everyone knows baby bunnies aren't just calledkits....they are also squirts, fuzzies, stinkies, furballs, andcomehereyoulittleBRATS!!!! ;)





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