hey bonding experts. . .

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
winnie and herman started the bonding process. . . anyone tell me what i did wrong/right. . .ect?

so i decided to use my bed, both rabbits have been on it, but i just got new bedding so it really doesn't smell like either of them.

i took herman out first, as i don't think i will have a problem with bonding him to another rabbit. i then went and got winnie out. i placed them both on the bed, next to each other and gave them some pets, i switched hands and pet them with the other rabbits smell. i then moved them about 2 feet apart and watched. for about 5 minutes they went to each other and started to be mean ( each time this would happen i would lay them next to each other and pet them till things calmed down a bit). after a while herman decided he wanted off them bed, so i chased him around a bit, got him back and let them interact. after a few more times of splitting up and petting winnie stopped nipping at him everytime he sniffed in her direction. soon he was able to sniff for maybe 5 seconds. . .then 10 before she would nip at him. . . soon herman was investigating my pillow and winnie was trying to come lay by me. . .then all the sudden winnie grunted a little, charged just a little. i layed them by each other again, more pets. . .but she seemed rather fed up for the day. . .so i returned each to their own cage, they each got 2 craisens, and life was restored. . .

i can't do the car ride thing, herman freaks in cars unless he is in MY lap (it is bad enough that we worry him causing himself harm).

it has been hard, i had hoped to work all this past week on it, but last friday we took in a puppy from a bad situation, and all my time has been on working with her. in total i spent maybe15 minutes with them together, i think i will just do 15 minutes each day for the next week then see how it goes and maybe bump it up. . .

any suggestions? comments? did i do something wrong? does it sound like this will be a good bond?

I think you've had a good start. Try to give them treats mostly when they're together and this will help them bond. Kind of like a dinner date. I've found shared yummy foods will usually help. Maybe share some veggies or hay?

Also, maybe keep their cages close to each other so that they can get used to each other's smell, if that's possible.
That sounds pretty good for their first meeting. Keep doing the meetings on the bed, and make them short if Winnie starts to get annoyed. There's nothing wrong with a bonding session that's only 5 minutes. Also try to end it on a good note for them, such as moving them apart and petting both of them at once.

I've never done the car ride and I don't consider it necessary.
it is nice to have others say i did okay. . . their cages were next to each other for about a week, but herman had to get a different cage because of the new puppy(she needed the dog kennel) so right now it is impossible to place them next to each other.

i am thinking about making winnie a NIC cage as i like the ability to build what shape/levels i want. . .and then it would be directly connect to herman. i know that she will flirt with him when she is out running around and he is still penned up. . .

it is hard for me to give treats yet as last time we tried to bond winnie to another rabbit (an adorable opal lionhead that now lives with a friend of mine) if i simple smelled like him she would bite at me (i had a HUGE gash on my hand that almost needed stiches). . .so i am still nervous about putting my hand close to her mouth at this point. . .

maybe i will go pick some dill (that is their new fav. food) and let them eat together. . .will they get dominate over the food like a dog might?


so with the extrem heat we had the last 2 days, i decided that it was best to put off bonding (temps above 95* seems to make the rabbits grumpy, who would have thought)

so tonight i tried again. because we are low on the veggies today (going shopping tomorrow) i decided to use a major treat at the ice breaker. . .they got some apple tonight (fruits are really a treat in this house. . .buns don't get them very often). so i once again used my bed, took herman out, then winnie (it is obvious that winnie is the bonding problem right now, herman would live happy with another rabbit), i set them both next to each other and did a good rub down, then switched hands once again to spread the smell. i then put them about 1 foot from each other and gave them a chunk of apple. both sat there eating, pleased with the treat. . .winnie a small peice left (she does this often and will come back for it) and went to go explore, herman the pig finished his in no time flat and also went to explore. . .they both ignored each other for about 1 minute before winnie went and gave just a little (i mean TINY) nip to hermans side. . .not to agressive acting, just a "hey, move" kind of nip. . .herman moved. . .and they continued to hop around. . .winnie smelled herman and in return she let him smell her (no grunting, growling, nothing, pure calm). . .then herman made the mistake of dashing to winnie's prized apple bite and taking it for himself (that is when things went bad). . .winnie ran over to him and did a mini-lung to him, he ran to me, and i seperated them, and gave them cheek rubs to calm down. and let them go again. once again winnie lunged and grunted (although not as aggressivly as the first time) and after a few more times of this, i sperated them about a foot, gave them each a small peice of apple, and called it a night. . .

bonding time: about 10 minutes. . .maybe a little longer

i think the food helped majorly and will be picking some of my dill (a house favorite here!) and getting a few greens at the store for the next few nights. . .

i think it is going good, better then expected. . .no fur pulling. no blood. . .that has to count for something right?
one questions: how far do i let them fight? the instand winnie lunges and starts to nip (like she really doesn't even get the chance to because i stop her) i pull them apart. . .do they need to be given a few minutes of the fight? or am i doing good by spliting them up asap?

they are also getting cages next to each other! i bought more NIC cubes so i am going to make one big cage that is devided in 1/2. . .i think that will help also! (i have 5 boxes of grids (each box has 17. . .that is 85 grids!!!! wow!)

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