He's "in the mood."

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Active Member
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Oh boy. So, has anyone else had their rabbit...try to "have fun" with their arm/leg?
:grumpy: I am not pleased. I suppose this is a sign General needs to be neutered sooner, rather than later. I was hoping I would have some more time to save up, as I just moved away to go to school, and am now paying for rent, and school...gah.

I have to say, it sounds hilarious, but it's pretty annoying. At least he only tries it on me...:X

What can I do in the short term to stop him from doing this? I don't think it's a dominance thing...
Sorry Michelle But I had the biggest belly laugh from this...the image u projected is classic lol thx 4 the cheap entertainment lmao
Haha, my Chinchilla Valentine used to when he first hit puberty, I thought it was adorable. I even got a photo:

LOL, Well thanks guys.

I also wanted to add, in case people were wondering, that I do have money for emergency vet bills/visits, if I need that. However, that money is reserved FOR emergencies. And this...isn't really an emergency. It's pretty much just embarrassing.
LOL Michelle :D

I've never had the pleasure myself... sounds like General's quite fond of you :D

How old is he now?
Guy (my un-neutered male bun) humps the hand I go to fuss him with at every chance he gets. I'm mostly over the embarrassment of it now ;)

To give him his due, he also shows bunny love by licking me so I wondered if there's some affection inhim going at my handas well asPLENTY of hormones.

Jo x