I just got Hershel on friday and we are in the midst of bonding! He is a very sweet man, who is taking more and more steps to come for pets and to hang around me (as opposed to just running around my room). I've noticed that he nips quite a bit, and i'm not sure why. I've never owned a rabbit before, so i'm not entirely sure what this behavior means. He's not mean about here's an example: We were watching TV together and i was petting him on my lap. Then he started getting up and running around me on the chair, digging at my stomach and nipping me. He nipped me quite a few times, mostly at my clothes but he catches my skin at the same time. Is he trying to get my attention or is he mad at me? if he is nipping and i pet him (after which he seems to stop for a bit) is this reinforcing bad behavior?