hermit crabs

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
, , USA
i have 4 hermit crabs in a ten gallon tank with gravel. ive been doing my research and asking my pet store owners and they said having a seperate dish for your crabs with salt water is VERY crucial so i bought the salt water conditioner. but i don't know how to use it. even though it has instructions, they are not good use. can anybody help? does anyone on here have crabs? you can post links if you'd like.

BTW, if you say i dont have it and my crabs are fine without it, i already bought it so i need to know how to use it thank you!! :)
:big wink: :biggrin:
Ordinarily I'd suggest an on-line search, but I don't know what's available in Uzbekistan, so I did one for you. Here are the sites that look useful:
http://www.crabcolony.homestead.com this one discusses salt
They all seem to focus on land tree hermit crabs, not the aquatic ones, so that's what I hope you have.

There is a comic strip in the Chicago Tribune newspaper about animals in an ocean lagoon. By coincidence, today's strip features the hermit crab telling the turtle that changing shells is a good thing. Of course the turtle doesn't agree.
I had hermit crabs for years; the thing to remember is they have gills so a humid environment is a must.

When you provide a fresh water dish and a saltwater dish they will go back and forth between the dishes to balance their salinity needs (so measuring the amount of ocean salt you're adding isn't necessary).

I'm not sure I'm familiar with the product you are talking about...is it a saltwater fish tank water conditioner? That removes heavy metals and chlorine? Or is it saltwater-tank-ready water?

I used to buy the Marineland box of straight ocean tank salt (the box says on the front it contains enough for 10 gallons) and every time I changed their saltwater I would add a new pinch of salt. The box is white and purply-maroon. Petco and PetSmart carry it with their fish stuff.

One thing I had in my environment for them was a submersible filter (i.e for turtles). It created a water fall effect and lots of water movement if you have your tank divided for water, rather than dishes.

Are you providing a heating pad? Temperature is also very important!

I have pictures somewhere I can post tomorrow.

What kind of hermit crabs do you have? It doesn't matter as far as salinity needs, but I was curious. I always favored Ecuadorians (red claws) over Caribbeans (purple claw) and Strawberries (white-spotted, red claws). Though Caribbeans move shells a lot more often, which is fun to watch.


I think you're doing the right thing asking for help with them! A lot of people consider them disposable pets and it makes me so sad.

Sounds like its a water conditioner for salt water, which wont do a thing about adding salt to the water ;) Would work great for dechlorinating large amounts of water for fish however.

Samara has it all down there for you, great information.
IME, Ive just filled a largish bowl (to hermit standards) with water and and dumped in a tablespoon or so of normal aquarium salt, (just the freshwater aquarium stuff thats like $2 a box) and let it disolve on its own. But I'm also lazy and these are not my own crabs.
Just remember not to use Table salt, dont want the iodine thats in it.
My husband is "the fish guy" lol. He maintains salt water tanks.. why not just buy some salt water from a shop? a lot easier than making your own.

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