hermans back from the vet!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
well, herman will never produce a son. . .or a daughter for that matter. . .he has been nipped and tucked!

it was hysterical, the vet was super busy today so they were meeting with people in the waiting room (just the people there to pick up the surgery animals. . .you know when they tell you the basics about wound care, warning signs, how the operation went in general), so i am ready to leave and they bring herman out into this full waiting room, there is noise, a dog barking, people talking. . .herman is wrapped completely in his towel (like i asked) except one giant ear flopped out (he is an english lop so tip to tip his ears are about 20 inches). . .so here is this girl carring this towel with a giant ear and literally the WHOLE entire waiting room stopped talking and looked at this towel. . .as she walked up to me i said "oh, there's my bug" (herman's nickname is bug) and right that second out popped another ear fallowed by a face. . .and in unision 15+ people went "awww". . .and everyone gathered around to ask about the rabbit. . .but i don't think i have ever silenced a room with a rabbit's ear like that. . .it was priceless. . .

of coarse all that herman cares about right now is that his level in his cage was removed (his favorite spot) as he isn't allowed to jump around right now. . .
he is doing good, wants out of his cage really bad, but he jumps all over stuff when he is out so i am trying to cage him as much as possible (vet said to keep him from jumping around to much for a while).

he ate all his food and hay today, which made me happy because he only nibbled a little when i got him home and all last night. . .my boy is back to normal, well, besides the missing of a few parts. . .

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