Herbs for Bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I got my new bunny - I will post pictures later today, and I am also planning my flower beds for next year. I grow all my plants from seed and cuttings.

I have never had an herb garden but I think it will be a good investment so I wanted some opinions on what a rabbit will actually eat - and if anyone has had any troubles with any of these herbs I plan on getting seed for. I don't want to waste money on plants they really don't like the taste of. I also have grow lights set up for the winter so I will grow limited herbs during the winter - does anyone have a favorite herb that would be good for that?

The Herbs:

Basil - planning on growing during winter also
Garlic Chives
Sweet Majoram
Peppermint - already have this one

More suggestions of edible plants you grow would be great too, I have tons on plants in my yard so I may already have it! I have looked at lists by the House Rabbit Society and I made a list to add to my pet care sheets I keep for petsitters (normally my mother).
Ah, I forgot parsley and cilantro, I wonder how easy they are to grow? For my last rabbit I would buy them at the grocery store but it is much more fun to grow it yourself.

I went out this morning and roped off the area I want to be an herb garden, its about 10ft by 10ft so I will be able to grow a bunch a variety. Now I need to wait for some rain so I can dig in some soil I have been composting.
I don't know about cilantro but parsley grows like a weed in my compost guy's garden.

I killed my fennel plant pretty quick, but the rosemary seems almost indestructible.


Let us know how it goes!

I'll have to remember to post back next summer and tell you all what plants I have killed :biggrin:. I only have so much money that I am allowed to spend on seeds every year (hubby has to keep me in check) so I think I'll do parsley instead of cilantro then. I had a few annual flowers I tried this year that just didn't do what I wanted them to - they are off the list.

I love watching plants grow from seed.
BTW, I doubt they'll eat the garlic chives, it's known as a bunny deterrent.

Not too sure about the others, other than Dill, Marigold
Nasturtium, which my guys all love. Some of the Italian spices aren't very popular with anybun around here. Mint is 'okay' with most except Pipp who acts like I'm handing her a cat turd.

Maybe next year think about some berries, too. The leaves are very plentiful, healthy and popular. :) (I killed my blueberry along with my fennel, but I think it just needed a little water once in awhile and it would have been fine). ;)

sas :bunnydance:
I would love to grow bluberries but the soil here in Ohio is not blueberry friendly. I have been trying to decide to put in a raspberry patch (for myself, raspberries are my weakness) but I hate mowing past the thorns. I'll have to plan that out some.

I have some Nasturtium in my yard now, this is my first time growing it and I actually was going to cross it off my list for next year because it does not like the heat here. Since it is bunny edible I think I may grow just one pack of seeds next spring of it.

Lol and the term "handing her a cat turd" almost made me shoot water out my nose.

Hehe, you all have found my true passion - growing plants, I'll take any excuse to add new plants to my yard.

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