Sugar Plum
I wanted to update you that I took your advice and on Friday morning, Herbert was neutered!
Well, sometimes I am feeling like I rather regret it when I see him looking rather poorly. The vet seemed to think things went quite well, but later I found out from my Mom (who had to pick Herbert up while I was at work)that Herbert nearly stopped breathing when they gave him the anaesthetic!!! On the other hand, we had to make a make-shift mini pen (Herbert usually has the entire kitchen as his pen at night and then gets a good portion of the house during the day) and he staged an escape into the living room Friday night (while looking pretty doped up). So, we made a compromise and expanded him to the full kitchen. Since then, though, he has busted out into the main house (despite numerous gates and heavy weights against the gates) several times!
I am rather worried that he could open up his surgery site and he seemed quite swollen last night (though, he seems improved today. He is still large down there, but instead of big and round with incisions clearly visible, they look medium-large and tear drop shaped with incisions sort of being...sucked in.). Mind you, the vet said that Herbert had the biggest er...nuts he has ever seen! Well, maybe that is envy? Or maybe he has just fixed younger rabbits previously? Anyway, I hope Herbert is okay--he is still insanely hard to handle if there is any medicine or looking at of sore spots involved (two or more person job).
I guess the one good thing about Herbert busting out is that the little miscreant went to the bathroom all over his three favourite marking spots. Today, we were worried he might have a blockage because he was eating a fair amount, but there wasn't any more poop coming out than what was there from the previous day. Turns out that he was saving all the poops to make in the living room! Ahhh, I thought that sort of thing would start to improve...
Actually, another good thing is that he binked (binkied?) twice today, where he hasn't done any full on binks pretty much since he matured.
So...was any one else's rabbit full of vim and vigour pretty soon after the surgery? I really wanted to follow the guidelines that were listed in RO's library, but he is simply too fiendish.
Well, sometimes I am feeling like I rather regret it when I see him looking rather poorly. The vet seemed to think things went quite well, but later I found out from my Mom (who had to pick Herbert up while I was at work)that Herbert nearly stopped breathing when they gave him the anaesthetic!!! On the other hand, we had to make a make-shift mini pen (Herbert usually has the entire kitchen as his pen at night and then gets a good portion of the house during the day) and he staged an escape into the living room Friday night (while looking pretty doped up). So, we made a compromise and expanded him to the full kitchen. Since then, though, he has busted out into the main house (despite numerous gates and heavy weights against the gates) several times!
I am rather worried that he could open up his surgery site and he seemed quite swollen last night (though, he seems improved today. He is still large down there, but instead of big and round with incisions clearly visible, they look medium-large and tear drop shaped with incisions sort of being...sucked in.). Mind you, the vet said that Herbert had the biggest er...nuts he has ever seen! Well, maybe that is envy? Or maybe he has just fixed younger rabbits previously? Anyway, I hope Herbert is okay--he is still insanely hard to handle if there is any medicine or looking at of sore spots involved (two or more person job).
I guess the one good thing about Herbert busting out is that the little miscreant went to the bathroom all over his three favourite marking spots. Today, we were worried he might have a blockage because he was eating a fair amount, but there wasn't any more poop coming out than what was there from the previous day. Turns out that he was saving all the poops to make in the living room! Ahhh, I thought that sort of thing would start to improve...
Actually, another good thing is that he binked (binkied?) twice today, where he hasn't done any full on binks pretty much since he matured.
So...was any one else's rabbit full of vim and vigour pretty soon after the surgery? I really wanted to follow the guidelines that were listed in RO's library, but he is simply too fiendish.