Helppppp I need to cut my rabbits nails

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Feb 5, 2005
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I don't know how but it's overdue, is it relatively simple? Any suggestion? Please help me
The best method so far that I have found is to"trance" your rabbit. To do this you can sit down in a chair, and flipyour rabbit feet up onto your back. This will put them into a tracelike state. Most of my rabbits will stay that way until I flip themback over. I do have a few that like to struggle after the first footor so, and when they do I just flip them right side up again and petthem until they calm down. Then I flip them back over and finish.

You could also try the "bunny burrito". That is where you wrap yourrabbit up in a towel with only a foot sticking out. Then justre-arrange to get the next foot out, and so on.

Hope this helps. ;)

Welcome to the board Prissy.

I am terrified of cutting my rabbits nails and always take them to thevet to get it done. I am so scared of cutting too short and busting anartery. I have often asked Ryan to hold them while I clip but he saidhe diesn't want to risk cutting too far. A £15 consultationfee for the vet seeing my rabbits in the first place is very expensiveas I have three rabbits. I just haven't got the confidence to do it.Does anybody know if a rabbit can actually bleed to death by this? Thisis what I have been told so it makes me feel even worse.

Goodness no! At least not likely! Bleeding can bestopped with flour or cobwebs....and there was something else, stypticpowder???

White rabbits are the easiest because you can see the quick clearly.Dark ones are really difficult--you kind of have to guess or use aflashlight to show the quick.

If you are worried about cutting it too short, just take off the tips until you feel comfortable clipping them any shorter.

I too have heard that they can bleed to death, but I think Pam saidthat was unlikely unless the rabbit had some type of blood disease(can't remember the name).

I "trance" my bunnies and then just take thetips. (You have to do this more often, but it usually keepsthem from bleeding.) If they bleed, the best thing is stypticpowder, but flour or corn starch works in a pinch. If theyare still bleeding, pressure on the nail will stop it. Icestops the bleeding nicely too. The amount of bleeding wouldbe a lot worse if they rip off the entire nail because it is long andthey catch it on something. Feet always bleed like crazy, butit would take a fairly large amount of blood to make them bleed should be able to tell if they are bleeding that badly.

Welcome to the forum and happy clipping!
welcome Prissy, I am taking Bindy to the vet so they can show me how to do it, I am a person who learns from being "shown" LOL

Good luck :)
Just took my little gal Shadow to our local petstore PET VALUE who does it for 5 dollars (cdn). At the sametime they verified he was a she, so I got my dollar value. Ifound out the nails need to be clipped every 4 to 5 months, because asthe nails grow so do the the lenght of membrane inside the nailgrow. This is the area like cats that if cut can becrucial. I did not know this, and was told when I got Shadowshe just had them done and didnt need the nails clipped until newyear.

Check out your local pet store and see what they charge if you feel uncorfortable about doing it yourself as I do.
cirrustwi wrote:
I"trance" my bunnies and then just take the tips. (You have todo this more often, but it usually keeps them from bleeding.)If they bleed, the best thing is styptic powder, but flour or cornstarch works in a pinch. If they are still bleeding, pressureon the nail will stop it. Ice stops the bleeding nicelytoo. The amount of bleeding would be a lot worse if they ripoff the entire nail because it is long and they catch it onsomething. Feet always bleed like crazy, but it would take afairly large amount of blood to make them bleed to shouldbe able to tell if they are bleeding that badly.

Welcome to the forum and happy clipping!
I tried to trance Shadow, depending on the bun, mine is hypercrazy:DAnd I can handle all sorts of critters...I decided ona more experienced nail nipper:D
Well, I am the wrong person to ask cause it's sodifficult for us to do Bo's. He's such a booger! we can'ttrance him.

Anyhow, I just wanted to say I looked but I can't help LOL! Sorry! :?
I try to check the buns nails at least once a month and clip them if necessary.

The last time my daughter Danielle did it and she ended up cutting oneof MooShu's too short. Lots of blood. Scared Danielle half out of herwits. The bunnie was fine...except for having one foot completelycovered in flour.

This time Danielle held MooShu in the crook of her arm. MooShu is not abun to be tranced, so she just held her so she was comfortable andtalked sofly to her the whole time. I used a strong flashlight and heldit behind her nails in order to see the vein. Her nails are dark andthe flashlight worked like a charm. We clpped her back nails in about 2minutes with no hassles at all.

Yay for us!!!!

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