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New Member
May 27, 2005
Reaction score
cypress, , USA
:X:(my lil 3 year old has a big bump on his back now he has on huge near his mouth i cant go to the vet though:(
Its almost impossible to know.....a vet visit isabout the only way I know of to know for sure. Could becysts....or absess...hard to say.
bunny1 wrote:
:X:(my lil 3 year old has a big bump on his back now he hason huge near his mouth i cant go to the vet though:(
he is a boy and i got him at one years old he lives out side so i just need someone to tell me anything

:?it might just be miscito bites

Mosquitos dont leave Huge bumpsas you call it , You reallyneed to take the rabbit tothe vets ,

Why cant you take it to the vets?

Where are you located maybewe can find a HouseRabbit society office near youthat can help with Vetting

I can't right now, I just moved and don't knowwhere one is around here, and besides, I would have to walk, our car isbroken down.
Look in your localPhone book Under Vetsand isnt there a cabcompany close by ? tell yawhat If any one of myanimals needed to bevetted NOTHING even having to walkwould stop me from finding oneor getting to one .
Sorry to hear of your bunnys illness.

Gypsy is right, I think the vet is the only option. Animals rely on usto make sure they get help when they are sick otherwise they justsuffer on and on. Or worse.

Lumps on a rabbit sound worrying because they could be infections ieabcesses. Would a friend maybe help you out with taking you and bunnyto the vet? If the bunny was in secure box you could take her on thebus.

If it is money, and I know vets can be really expensive, some vets do payment plans to spread or reduce the cost.

I dont mean to lecture but all animal owners have to make sure thatthey can get thier pet to a vet in the space ofday or so.

good luk

gypsy wrote:
Look in your local Phonebook Under Vets andisnt there a cab companyclose by ? tell ya whatIf any one of my animalsneeded to be vettedNOTHING even having to walk would stopme from finding one or gettingto one .
I agree with Gypsy here. Please try to take your rabbit to the vet. Hesounds like he needs it. I would walk 100 miles if I feltmybunnies needed it.

Please let us know how he gets on. I'll be praying for him :(

It always amazes me how one goes from being extremely literate to being the opposite so quickly.

Hmmmm :ponder:

The other thing I question is when offered advice, they find excusesnot to take it. One has to wonder how 'true' a person really is.

Carolyn wrote:
The other thing I question is when offered advice, they find excusesnot to take it. One has to wonder how 'true' a person really is.

True, but it's always important to remember we don't know all thecircumstances (speaking from my own frustrating andfutile vethunt:?).



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