Well-Known Member
Hi, I first posted here the day I took home "Dusty" a cat-sized grayfloppy eared bunny. We originally got him as a friend for our catLianid, who we felt needed a furry creature to snuggle since our othercat passed away. It worked! In less than a week the two were snuggledtogether, grooming eachother and playing. Lianid pounces Dusty, andDusty in turn chases the cat (after a confused pause).
A problem is, Lianid no longer wants to play with Dusty and now theRABBIT is LONELY! My mother and I both work full time jobs, and we feelwe don't have enough time to give Dusty enough attention. He isn'texactly a "lover," but he is very sweet (and litter trained) and activeas well as intelligent. We give him free roam of the hallway and he'llplay tug-o-war withyou, and chase your feetandgrunt as if to intimidate you into letting him into the room you'reentering.
Heheh, okay, I'm fond of him. And so is my mother (I'm sure of thisbecause she just came in the room and asked ME, the daughter (lol) if Ireally want to give him away. I replied, I don't want to give him away,but I think he needs a friend. I asked if she really wants anotherrabbit for him to play with. She replied "No! I think you should get inhere so he can play with you!" That is the problemin a nutshell. I play with him as much as I can, but it isn't enough. (I evenmade a harness to walk him around outside with) But the fact is, heacts happy and in good psychological health only when Lianid hangs outwith him in his cage. (Also, when I'm holding him, his musclesphysically loosen when the cat joins us on the couch.) When Lianid isnot around, hemood swings between sulking anddoingthings like....Sigh, he is currently trying to dig under my closedbedroom door. I'm sure he'll only freeze if I approach him, so I thinkhe needs a furry friend he can relate to.
Sooooo, dare we bring in another bunbun? If so, do you have anyrecomendations as to the type of rabbit--male or female, big, small orof comperable size? Other advice is welcome too! I've owned cats, dogs,mice and birds throughout my life, but never a rabbit. As anotherthought, are rabbits and guinea pigs compatable cage mates? They'resmall and furry, and of different species so I reason there might notbe need for a territorial battle.