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Aug 11, 2009
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Our 11 month old female rabbit was accidentally left alone with a male rabbit for a few hours almost 4 weeks ago. We don't know whether or not she is pregnant but if she is she is due soon. She will be a first time mother and we don't know what to do with her. She is an outdoor rabbit and we wanted to know if bringing her inside would be of any benefit. Is there any way to tell if she is pregnant? And also how high are the chances that the litter will die if she is?
I'm going to move this to the Rabbitry.

Can you also tell us what breed she is? Has she had a litter before?

How old is the male bun?
You will need to get a nest box. 31 days is when you can expect her to kindle (although they can go earlier, or any time up to 35 days). At 28 days, which is I guess where you are now, that nestbox should be put in.

The nest box needs to be open at the top, be big enough for mum to turn around in and have high enough sides so that any kids can't get dragged out.

You need to put a layer of shavings at the bottom, then lots of hay and hopefully the mum will make a nest in the nestbox if she does make a nest. If she makes the nest elsewhere you will need to move the nest into the nest box.

There is a risk, if she is a smaller rabbit, and she hasn't kindled before, that she is going to have complications, so she will need careful watching, and you may need to call the emergency vet so also get your rabbit savvy vet's number on hand.

Also, welcome to the forum :)
I have no idea what breed she is we got her from a fair and the guy who sold her to use knew nothing about rabbits. And the male is 11 months also. Thanks for the help!!
Could you maybe post a pic? Do you know her weight? Is she a big bunny or a small bunny?
I'm trying to get a picture but am having a few problems. I'll keep trying!! She is bigger than my 3yr. old Dutch rabbit. I weighed her and she is about 4.2 lbs
Ok, that weight should help the breeders work out some more about her :)

I only ask because the smaller rabbits can have complications at 11 months when a larger rabbit would not be prone to them. That's all. Hopefully the breeders will be able to offer more help than I have :)
Since she is so close to kindling, I would leave her outside. The stress of moving to a new environment could badly effect her possible pregnancy. She's comfortable where she is, and it's the best place for her to give birth at this moment.

Make up a nest box like Flashy described, and put it in the hutch in a corner that she does not use to go to the bathroom.

If she is pregnant, she should start making a nest close to kindling. If she starts building a nest outside the box, then keep moving it back in the box and hopefully she'll get the hint. If she gives birth to the babies outside the box, move them and any nest/fur that they are in into the box.

Make sure to wait until 36 days if she doesn't give birth before removing the nest box.

You have gotten real good advice. The nest box should be in today. Give her lots of hay or straw in the box. If she eats it, replace it. She looks like a Mini Rex. They are usually good mothers.

If she kindles, (delivers) she will pull fur from her belly and legs to make a nest. Do not disturb her if she is in the nest box. Once she is done, you can check the nest. Yes, you can touch the babies, she will not reject them. make sure everyone is alive and warm, remove any bloody straw or placenta's that she leaves behind.

She will only nurse them twice a day and you probably won't see her do it. They are not like cats and dogs, they don't lay with the babies and keep them warm. The mother will pretty much ignore them all day long. Check the babies twice a day to see if they have nursed. They should have tight little round bellies.

Oh, and do let us know if and when she kindles... and pictures are very, very nice! :biggrin2:
Thank you all for the help!:biggrin2: I checked the calender and today is day 27. I'll let you all know if anything happens!!!

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