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New Member
Jul 15, 2009
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, Texas, USA

Hi all,

I have a son that wants to have a rabbit. My husband say "ok, but should be for FFA." I want to now gather info before we get started beause I believe that animals aren't projects but members of the family. Any ideas?

I love the little ones. I believe he is wanting a large breed. He had a fit when he saw a pic of a flemish giant.

I think this will be a good thing for him. I love animals and encourage my kids to find an animal that fits their personality.
On the Main Board they have a Library. You could read up on things there too. :biggrin2:

When you decide a breed you want. You need to decide a cage. A bunny needs lots of room. Alot of people use NIC cages. You build them yourself and can make them any size you want.

Bunnies need Pellets, Hay, water, veggies and toys. :)Also, Cat litterbox for litter box training, water and feed bowls.

Rabbits can have teeth problems orbelly problems. My bunnies have had these problems. So bunnies can be expensive. Spaying and neutering can be expensive depending where you live.your bun will prob need a check up whenyou first get it. You need to find a vet who knows LOTS about Rabbits. That's VERY IMPORTANT! I would go to the Infirmary Section on the main page and read thru that and see what kind of problems people have had with their bunnies. Just so your aware.

Bunnies are AWESOME!! They make great pets. I love my 2 babies.....April
Thanks April,

That is what I will do. I am the kind of person that wants everything ready before we find the right pet. I know I want an outside and inside cage. My parents did that typical parent thing when I was a child and gave me a rabbit. I had no idea how to care for it. Lucky a neighbor did. He offered to take care of the bunny and I could visit when ever I wanted. Later we moved but the bunny (Thumper) stayed with my neighbor.

I always want to know what we, as a family are looking at when a new member joins us, no matter who the new parent is. It does affect us all.

I look forward to learning and talking with everyone.

I'm sure someone more experienced will answer your post. I answered what I could or thought. If you read the Infirmary and Nutrition and Behavior sections you'll learn alot there.

Good Luck and Keep us updated if you get a bun :biggrin2:Post pic's cause we love pic's on RO. Lol. :) April
Hi Mamag! Welcome to the forum!

It's great that you're doing your research before getting a bunny! There's a lot to learn but they make great pets. :)

Are you thinking of keeping your bunny inside or outside? You should consider adopting from a shelter. There's always many homeless rabbits of different breeds. If you're looking for a particular breed, do some research on it to see if it's suitable for your family and find a good breeder.

If you're keeping him in a hutch/cage it should be big enough for him to do at least continuous three hops, stand up on his hind legs and lie down with his whole body stretched out. It needs to be cleaned out regularly and you probably want to train him to use a litter box. Most people here feed their bunnies quality pellets, hay and a few veggies. Food and water should be changed everyday.

You need to consider whether you're going to spay/neuter your rabbit. Most people recommend this as it lessens territorial behaviour and the risk of a female getting cancer. Like April said, find a rabbit savvy vet who can help you if any problems arise.

You'll learn a lot by browsing the forum (including the forum library) and different rabbit websites. If you have any questions, ask away! Good luck with choosing the perfect bunny match for you and your family! ;)
Welcome to the forum! If you want to learn about bunny's this is the site to do it. We have a lot of very knowledgeable people with a wide range of experiences. The library section is a great place to start, the bunny 101 section will give you the how what's of rabbit care.

Rabbits are great pets and wonderful companions. Every single one of mine has a unique personality. They can be adventurous, mischievous, shy, cuddly, demanding, super sweetand a combination of all.

I am glad you found the site and let me know if I can help. I have Netherland dwarfs, holland lops, mini lop, french lop, flemish giants, mini rex, dutch and lionheads and hotot mix. I got the smorgasbord of herds.


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