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hi all

it was just to ask yous

what kind of rabbit litter have yous found to be the best

its just at the moment lucy is still on shavings

but its so messy cleaning out the litter tray

would a pellet litter be better and would it not affect her feet

varna xxxx
I use regulare litter like cat litter but theysometimes fling it so if you have a high litter pan that would work ori have also seen corn cob litter but that doesnt cover bunnie odersvery well:D:dude::D

good luck

I don't use litter, my buns just poop where they want pretty much.

As for the cat litter, I'm pretty sure that its posted on heresomewhere that its not good for them. It has chemicals I think that ifthey eat it or inhale it, it can be fatal.

So, if you're using cat litter, please switch to something different.

I think there's shredded newspaper called "Yesterdays News" that you can buy, and it makes a good litter for them.
I use Cel-Sorb. I'm pretty sure you canonly get it at Pet Supplies Plus. I also use it for myferrets. It is cheaper then Yesterdays News and the like, butI think it works just as well. I tried Feline Pine, but Ididn't like the way it crumbled and seemed to get stuck on theirfeet. A lot of people on here use Woody Pet. I'mthinking I might try that because everyone seems to think it is so good.
Thankyou i didnt know that catlitter was bad formy littluns!!! ty your my herro for the day!!!! Whats a cheep thing ican use i live basicly in the boonies and the closest good pet stor is99 miles away and the one that is 10 miles away is over priced becausethay have to travel far to get it? any suggestions please help

lop_lover16 wrote:
I use regulare litter like cat litter but they sometimesfling it so if you have a high litter pan that would work or i havealso seen corn cob litter but that doesnt cover bunnie oders verywell:D:dude::D

good luck

You should never use cat litter. It can be deadly ifthey eat it. Plus the perfumes in many of them are bad forthe respiratory system.
lop_lover16 wrote:
I use regulare litter like cat litter but they sometimesfling it so if you have a high litter pan that would work or i havealso seen corn cob litter but that doesnt cover bunnie oders verywell:D:dude::D

good luck


cat litter is VERY BAD FOR RABBITS!!!!

thecheapest use of a renewablesorce is to buy acheap paper shredder andshred your news papers , ihave used this for a while withgood results BUT! donot use the glossy inserts normagazines its slippery for oneand wont do much foroder and it has adifferent type of ink and imnot sure of the resultingproblems it can cause
The wooden based cat litter pellets you can get in the UK are very similar to Woody Pet and are fine for rabbits.

Yesterday's News is good too and you can get that over here (though not round me)

I use Woody Pet because I was lucky enough to have the suppliersdeliver when they were passing my door. It's cheaper and smells more'woody' but it's not really different from the wood cat litters, I'mjust addicted to the smell :D.

The dangerous cat litters for rabbits are the 'clumping' ones and thechemically absorbent ones that can turn to gel, andany stufflike that. I personally wouldn't use those for my cats either.

If you do change over put a little bit of the stuff you're used to using on the top at first so Lucy gets the idea :D.

Hi Varna. I agree with Kate on this one - I use awood based cat litter that I get from Jolleys, called Pampuss, which issuitable for rabbits as well. Tesco also sell one (can't remember thename ) which is suitable, but is more expensive. -Jan
Forget pet stores they areoverpricedanyway,look in the phone book for feed dealers.they are cheaper andmost here are closer.they even have them in cities horse people getthere stuff there.bluebird
lop_lover16 wrote:
Wow the pet store lied to me they told me that it would beok gosh i think ill just take my busnisses to anouth place even if ihave to drive 99 miles
Unfortunately, the majority of pet store owners and employees know little about the rabbits they sell.
your dam right there

i said about lucy having a liitle sister but they told me no way can you have 2 bunnys together

so now if ive any probs i just email the site

varna xxxx
like rowan mentioned, the wood and paper basedcat litters are fine. there is also one called cat country which iswheat grass based. that one's ok too :) however for odourcontrol, yesterdays news really works for us! (the non scented one ofcourse)
JimD wrote:
Oh boy...I get to say it again....

WoodyPet !

It's the "bunniehugger's binkie" :p

:~) Jim

Jim, you know I love that stuff too, but...... have you had any thatsmelled really strong? It's almost like our new bag got dampor something..... smells like wet wood all through my house and it'snot his litterbox.

I also wonder if that guy you know (it was you right?) could answer that for me.

Another possibility is that when I got to the end of the last bag it's got more "dust" and if he's wet in that.......

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