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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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omg billy had her first litter...but the thing is she isn't takeing care of them she gets agressive with them so i have them in the house now,, i need help on this
Hi, I'll move this to the Rabbitry for you.

When were they born?

How is she being aggressive?

Is this her first litter?

You should separate them and just take her to them once or twice a day and hold her over the kits if she's not going to be a good mom.

Don't try feeding them yourself with milk or anything like that.

sas :clover:
I'll have to put your PM in here as well, I can't stay online, and others are more experienced at this than me.

Good luck!

sas :clover:

_____Original Message_____
From: kmtangelkrystal
Date: 2008-05-28 16:12:58
Subject: hi

thank you for moving my topic for me.....ya its billys first litter and they are about 2 days old....she keeps biteing them and i am afraid she will kill them....any tips?:?
Sas has asked some good questions.

First though is it the mums first litter and is she being funny withthem all the time or when you go into see the babies because I have seen does get aggressive with babies because they don't want you in touching them but they settle down afterwards. Sometimes you are better to take the mum out of teh hutch to check the babies or give her a treat while you have a look.

If I have a mum like that I tend to keep them in a nest away from mum but take thema couple oftimes a day back to mum. I usually take them a couple more times than they woudl usually feed if i feel they haven't got a good feed due to mum being funny with them. I usually give a piece of veg to keep mum occupiedwhile I let them feed or you can gently hold the mums head so that she doesn't go for them.
Keep the babies in a safe warm place, not around momma. Bring them to her (or her to them) twice a day. Assuming they are in a nest box, pull the babies out of the back, towards the middle/front of the box. Hold the mothers head and belly and place her on top of the babies. They should start nursing. Her milk may not drop right away, give her a few minutes. You may have to hold her head to keep her from biting at the babies. They should nurse and be done in 5-6 minutes. Take Momma out, return her to her cage space. Check the babies to see if they have plump lil bellies... they should look like they swallowed a ping-pong ball.

Do this twice a day (early am and late pm). As the doe gets used to it, she may be more willing. But be careful. She can do a lot of damage if you are not watching carefully, and she decides they are bothering her. I've had some does "change their mind" and actually accepted them after a week. But if not, you have to assume they will need feeding for at least 4 weeks.

Don't be in a hurry to use a replacement formula. If you can get her to cooperate, it will be better for the babies.
mom is ajusting she acts normal but she refuses to feed them so i am useing wat i had left over from kane and then i am going to ask my friend for some more.. formula i mean
You got some good advice in this thread, did you try holding her over the kits with a treat to distract her? (And/or even put some food in the corner of the nest box behind the kits).

Formula fed bunnies can really have health issues if not now, when they're older. Their mom's milk is way healthier and gives them immunity to things that can make them sick later in life.

How old is Billy, btw? What does she do when she refuses to feed them?

sas :?
Awww... did you try to hold her over them? Pipp is right. I've raised litters by hand before. A lot seem to have immunity issue as they grow up.Only one haslived a "normal life span".

I encourage to try and get some mothers milk into them. The colostrum in her milk will really give them what they need at this point and make them healthier as they mature.

If it's really difficult to do twice a day, try once a day, and supplement with formula for the other feeding. At least until they are 3 weeks old.
sorr i haven't updated billy is a year and 1/2 but she finally got it lol so the babies are well

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