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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Clearwater, Florida, USA
they painted the room that we keep our rabbits today and after it dried they put cages back in there. the room isnt' closed up and i have the fan and window ac on but i still can smell the paint feums. Should I move them out of there i'm worried i don't want to hurt them
I always take my buns out when I paint a room. If you can, I would put their cages in another room, at least until tomorrow.

If you cant move their cages, I would probably open all the windows and turn fans on. Keep all doors open.

Good Luck!

yea thats what i'll have to do, i opened the windows there huge one whole side of the wall is full of big windows and the fans on, the room there in is our "florida room" it's a closed in patio kinda of room. Its off the dinning room so no doors to close
I think they should be fine. If you absolutely cannot move their cages, just keep the windows open and the fans on. It might even help to point a fan outward at the window so some of the fumes can be pushed out.

I would just check on them and be sure they are alert and everything. If they look sluggish at all, get them out of there. Otherwise, you should be fine. I have moved my rabbits into a room the day after painting, and I could still smell the paint.

Just make sure you keep an eye on them!

lol. you sound like me ^^^ Im always paranoid about these things! I would keep your air on and windows closed if you can. or just make sure all the windows are open and fans pointing out.

I know things like that always worry me though!


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