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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
Sorry but I really dont know what to do.
The background is Furby is the bigger of the 2 and she always tries to mount Ellie. Ellie either sits there as Furby will chase her or tries to run away.

Today I let them out to play. I come down after a while and notice that there is a little raw area just below Furbys nose. Im not quite sure how she did it. It could be she is trying to climg the concrete walls. Anyway she is not bothered by it so I leave it.

I go down tonight and it is like the 2 of them are at it in the sleeping area. I open the door to the top floor and Furby is again trying to mount Ellie. As I open the door, Ellie runs and Furby is thrown out of the hutch!!. She seems to land ok and I put her back in and watch her. She eats ok and poops ok. So I continue to stroke her. Thats when I notice an area around her font left leg is raised, almost like a scab. I try to look at it with her struggling and I dont see much but it does seem red.

My question is are they fighting? The rest of the time(even after Furby fell out of the hutch) the two of them always cuddle up to each other and cant get enough of grooming the other. They eat together and sit in the same litterbox.
I dont want to separate them but I know I mighgt have to.
Any advice would be much appreciated!!!
They are about 18 weeks old and therefore have not been fixed yet!:tears2:

I am not sure if I undersood your post correctly so bear with me. Are you sure they are both the same sex and are they living on one cage?

If yes to the same cage question, they should have their own cages until they are spayed. Female rabbits are very territorial and will protect their cage as hormones rage ensuing fights. I would advise not allowing them to play together until they are spayed if a) you are unsure they are both females or B) they are injuring one another which seems to be the case. If you are sure of the sex and want to allow them supervised playtime that would probably be ok. I would also suggest you look over the reference section on bonding which is full of valuble info. Hopefully, one of the more experienced members will pipe in soon. Good luck. ;)
I have got them double checked and they are both def female. They were ok living in the same hutch but I do think its now time I blocked off the upstairs to separate them.

I took Furby to the vet who said it was a big wound but was healing nicely. He says it must have been there for about3-4 days. I feel so bad that I hadnt noticed it!!. He now says that it would be worth getting them fixed soon, even at 5 months. So I have booked them in on the 17th July to get fixed. I know it seems like ages away but that will let them reach just over 5 months.:(
Poor Furby! Bless her heart.

You're lucky it wasn't worse.Keep a close eye on the wound until it'scompletely healed. I know someone who almost lost a bun to a wound like that.The bun had to go through extensive surgery to remove the dead tissue and it was very costly.

I would not allow them together at all now, even under supervision. After they're spayed, and have some time to get all the hormones out, you can work on bonding.

You did the right thing by scheduling the spay surgeries.


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