Well-Known Member
'Fluffy'(soon to be changed to something else), came to live with me the other night when my friend moved to BC and couldn't take the bun with(she had a baby, a two year old, three cats and two dogs to take and an added rabbit was too much)..
I discovered quite a few things. As much as I want to say that Fluffy wasn't a rescue, she was. Her cage was FILTHY and DISGUSTING when I got her. She stunk up my house. I don't believe she's litter-trained, so I've been working on that. She's extremely skittish because she was almost never held and if she was, it was by the two year old more often than anyone else and she was harassed by their cats. To boot, she has charged my friend once before and bit her(she was cleaning the cage with Fluffy inside of it - not something I would do with any bunny).. The cage would get COVERED in feces before it would get cleaned at all, and her water bottle would hit dry before they would refill it, not to mention that they free-fed her because they were too lazy/busy to bother going down once every day to give her food. So... Yes, sadly, she was a 'rescue'. And she's very, very dominant. She is about eight months old, and yes, she is spayed.
She thumps, she grunts, she presses her ears back and she'll charge you too. Soon as you reach for her though, she's running to hide. Thump, thump, thump, grunt.
I've been doing bunny dates with her and Crush, but she's to the point I think she's rude? She'll hump him, then she'll hop over and start nibbling(doesn't quite look like licking, but isn't drawing blood either) his ears(which bothers him and he immediately does a side-hop to get his ears away from her mouth), then return to humping him. I have to make her back off if she gets to be too much. And he just sits there and deals with it, unless she goes back to his ears, because her touching his ears seems to bother him.
I'm not sure how to deal with a skittish/dominant rabbit and make her realize that human contact isn't to be feared. And I'm not sure if she's the 'right match' for Crush or not. I know it takes time, but I almost feel cruel for putting her with him and making him deal with her. They're ALWAYS put in neutral territory. And they've always got goodies like hay and greens to munch on during their dates. I always end the dates when they're relaxed and leaving one another alone to end it on a good note and their cages are side by side so they can smell one another(neither can actually reach the other, so there's no biting through bars) and see each other.
Overall though, I'm looking for some input. Both on bonding and on dealing with Fluffy.
Next bunny date, I'll get a video of them to show and see if anyone sees anything wrong, or if I should keep trying. If these two don't bond, I won't bother trying to re-bond Crush with someone else - he's quite happy as a human bonder it seems. He's the complete opposite of her. Submissive, laid-back, relaxed, calm, quiet, cuddly, curious, and LOVES to be handled and his favorite is the nose-rubs. Crush is a three year old Holland Lop, and he is neutered.
Fluffy on the other hand, is skittish, dominant, noisy, jumpy, pushy, curious, and is likely fearful of being handled. Fluffy is a Lionhead.
Are there any typical behaviors here of either breed? I know every animal is individual, but you often find certain types of personalities within a breed, or typical/common behaviors in each, which is what I'm asking. Also, anything I can do to help Fluff be more okay with handling, other than handling her more frequently than she used to be?
I discovered quite a few things. As much as I want to say that Fluffy wasn't a rescue, she was. Her cage was FILTHY and DISGUSTING when I got her. She stunk up my house. I don't believe she's litter-trained, so I've been working on that. She's extremely skittish because she was almost never held and if she was, it was by the two year old more often than anyone else and she was harassed by their cats. To boot, she has charged my friend once before and bit her(she was cleaning the cage with Fluffy inside of it - not something I would do with any bunny).. The cage would get COVERED in feces before it would get cleaned at all, and her water bottle would hit dry before they would refill it, not to mention that they free-fed her because they were too lazy/busy to bother going down once every day to give her food. So... Yes, sadly, she was a 'rescue'. And she's very, very dominant. She is about eight months old, and yes, she is spayed.
She thumps, she grunts, she presses her ears back and she'll charge you too. Soon as you reach for her though, she's running to hide. Thump, thump, thump, grunt.
I've been doing bunny dates with her and Crush, but she's to the point I think she's rude? She'll hump him, then she'll hop over and start nibbling(doesn't quite look like licking, but isn't drawing blood either) his ears(which bothers him and he immediately does a side-hop to get his ears away from her mouth), then return to humping him. I have to make her back off if she gets to be too much. And he just sits there and deals with it, unless she goes back to his ears, because her touching his ears seems to bother him.
I'm not sure how to deal with a skittish/dominant rabbit and make her realize that human contact isn't to be feared. And I'm not sure if she's the 'right match' for Crush or not. I know it takes time, but I almost feel cruel for putting her with him and making him deal with her. They're ALWAYS put in neutral territory. And they've always got goodies like hay and greens to munch on during their dates. I always end the dates when they're relaxed and leaving one another alone to end it on a good note and their cages are side by side so they can smell one another(neither can actually reach the other, so there's no biting through bars) and see each other.
Overall though, I'm looking for some input. Both on bonding and on dealing with Fluffy.
Next bunny date, I'll get a video of them to show and see if anyone sees anything wrong, or if I should keep trying. If these two don't bond, I won't bother trying to re-bond Crush with someone else - he's quite happy as a human bonder it seems. He's the complete opposite of her. Submissive, laid-back, relaxed, calm, quiet, cuddly, curious, and LOVES to be handled and his favorite is the nose-rubs. Crush is a three year old Holland Lop, and he is neutered.
Fluffy on the other hand, is skittish, dominant, noisy, jumpy, pushy, curious, and is likely fearful of being handled. Fluffy is a Lionhead.
Are there any typical behaviors here of either breed? I know every animal is individual, but you often find certain types of personalities within a breed, or typical/common behaviors in each, which is what I'm asking. Also, anything I can do to help Fluff be more okay with handling, other than handling her more frequently than she used to be?