Help with hormonal bunny

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
Hi, this is my first post but I've been reading this forum for a few weeks. I have a 3.5 month old male Netherland Dwarf named Mocha. He's a sweetie, but we have had to ban him from my bedroom because a few days ago he started insisting on using the bed as his litter pan! It was always his favorite place, but he used to only roll, flop, and beg for pettings on it. We tried just keeping him off the bed, but he got upset and so used my husband's dirty work clothes instead. He had never peed outside of his cage until two days ago. I know this is probably hormone related, but he's young and his neutering is scheduled for mid-May.

The biggest problem is that this reduces his running space to his little room, the hallway, and the bathroom. Because of the way my apartment is built, the living room and kitchen are absolutely out of the question- too much danger, too much potential for bunny damage.

How have you guys dealt with your naughty hormonal bunnies? Am I going to have to ban him from my bedroom until after he's neutered, or is there something I can do before that? There is a litter box right by the bed, but he would much rather "lay claim to his territory."

Thanks, and sorry for the long post.
Hello and Welcome.

Oh those teenage years ugh. Sadly it sounds as though little Mocha is going to have to be content with the hallway and bathroom.

Try not to think of it as reducing his space. Instead try and make the most out of the space he has. Make it a bunny playground that he'll just love being in. You can add cardboard tube sandboxes to play in,lots of toys and chew toys, and litter box.

Do you have pictures? I would love to see a picture of this little sweetheart that's causing all this trouble lol.:p

Yeah, Mocha has several boxes that he plays in and chews, blankets that he tunnels under, and towels that he pushes around the bathroom floor. I just moved a bookshelf out of the hallway yesterday after he discovered that he can just jump over the barrier we put up. I've been experimenting with toys in and out of the cage.Anything that is plastic is out- slinkies, balls, he ignores them all.He's a cardboard fiend, though.

I don't have a digital camera, but I'm slowly filling up a roll of film with nothing but Mocha pics. When I get it developed I'll put it on a cd and post a few. I should have a few good ones with him and the towels.

Oh, and he rarely leaves poo outside of his cage now except for in retaliation when I do a full cleaning and sometimes on my husband. HA!
I'm new too ;) Just a thought...maybe he is marking you as 'his'...well your bed that is. Maybe you could put something you've worn (or something your hubby has worn) in his litter box. (Of course something you don't mind getting ruined). Maybe he will be content with actually using his litter box...??? Good luck and keep us posted!

Truly, Kricket
Welcome to the forum!

I have to agree with Tina, poor Mocha will have to stay out of the bedroom. I've been lucky and not really had a problem with my bunnies being very hormonal. He'll be fine with that space though. My buns have a similar set up right now -- their room, the hallway and the bathroom. They seem to think that's just fine.

Can't wait to see pictures of the little trouble maker!!! LOL

Oh, how I remember those days! :p

My Chompers used to do the same thing on my bed and couch. Finally, I just had to ban him from both. Yes, we can clean up the mess, but when you really think about it, it does sink into spaces we can't quite reach.

Hang in there, it won't last forever. Valuran (my other buck) used topee everywhere, literally the day after his surgury he stopped peeing outside of the litter box/cage. (And he's outside of the cage for 12-14hours a day)
my buns all love cardboard as well. a good toy is when you have a roll of paper towels and theres that one or two sheet sleft on it, i just give it to them and they love playing with it.another idea is to take an old magazine or phone book and fold it length wise, they'll chew on it for a while :p