Help with Bonding Rabbits

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New Member
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
West MI, Michigan, USA
Hey everyone!

I am looking for some advice on what to do/how to handle bonding my rabbits. Everything I know about bonding is from what I have researched online, but each website is a little different in what they suggest of course.

I've had my first bunny for a little over a year. She is a Netherland Dwarf named Jenner. She is sweet, but also a bit nervous most of the time.
My first year of college I lived at my mom's and Jenner loved to play with my cat. Since being at my own place, I wanted to get Jenner a friend since I read about bunnies enjoying company.
I adopted a Holland Lop, who I renamed Odom. He is almost four years old. He is very calm and sweet.
He is neutered and she is not.

Jenner has a big fancy cage that I made her - a C&C style. I placed Odom in just a typical store-bought cage next to her cage for the first few days.

For the past two days I have had them meet for just 10-15 minutes in neutral territory (the bathroom, where neither of them had been before).

The first day they both took turns humping each other, and that was really it.

The second day they humped each other for the first couple minutes, then Odom laid down on the floor on his side and when Jenner would walk by, he stuck his face under her belly. It looked submissive to me. But Jenner kept pulling out his hair. Sometimes he would just lay there and other times he jumped up like it hurt him.

Advice on what I need to do???
It sounds like they are doing ok. Humping is pretty normal, especially if she is not spayed yet. Him putting his head under her chin is him wanting to be groomed. Her pulling the fur out is a big odd, but could be related to grooming him, it's hard to tell without more info on where she is pulling it from and what else is going on when that happens. Him jumping up when she does it could mean he is not liking it or it is bothering him, keep an eye on them to make sure that it doesn't go further than that and doesn't escalate to a scuffle.

I would recommend getting her spayed. This will help with bonding and make it easier on them as hormones won't be an issue. She should stop humping (or it will be greatly reduced).

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