Help, what do I feed the kits??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
St Catharines , Ontario, Canada
The kits are 15 days old today and they arealready coming out of their nest box to come see their mum. I read thatthe kits should start eating solids around 14 days, even if they arestill nursing! is this true? and what kind of solids should I startwith?? I already put down some fresh alfalfa hay and also some timothywhich some of them decided to munch on! any suggestions??

thanks so much guys ;)

My babies started eating Lucy's Veggies aroundthat time, Most people wont feed kits veggies but i dont see a problemwith it because mom is eating them while their inside her so i wouldstart out with just carrots and work in some greens. And some goodpellets.
i also gave veggies quitte early and they nibbledon it,, now theyre older and on full veg, at that time they just atemums normal food too, so yes its true,

Ok what a relief, because i found one of the kitsin mum's food bowl last night, it was quite comical, the poor thingcouldn'tget out!!:D:pIm going to try putting aplate with some fresh greens down and see what they do!!

at 14 days, my buns love eating leaves. Introducethe veges slowly. And I find mom always fights for the pellets. If thisis so with your bunnies, you cancrush up the pellets so it iseasier for them to chew and the doe will let them eat it. Have fun!
Walking Mushroom wrote:
at 14 days, my buns love eating leaves. Introduce the vegesslowly. And I find mom always fights for the pellets. If this is sowith your bunnies, you cancrush up the pellets so it iseasier for them to chew and the doe will let them eat it. Havefun!
Leaves are a good idea - Btw, i love your avator!
I put down some veggies last night, and they allgathered around theplate with their Mum and nibbled alittlebit! It was the absolute cutest thing in the world, all of their eyesare open now and they love to chase their Mummy!!!:p:DI willpost some new pics very soon!!


When I get a litter finally starting to eat on their own I keep itstrictly to pellets and rolled oats. The oats are gentle on theirstomach and they really enjoy the treat. Feeding greens at a very earlyage can sometimes cause problems and diarhea, but not all the time. Ifyou notice any diarhea or anything unusual take away the greens and putin some rolled oats, things should settle down w/i a couple days.

cat's milk and sweetgrass works best in my opinion
We've never put any special food out for thekits. When they leave the nestbox at about 14 days, I puttimothy hay in the cage, and they soon begin to munch on mom'spellets. I do sometimes add some steam rolled oats.

If the doe is used to having greens in her diet, then the kits can also have the greens.


Really? I didn't know that. Well, I never feed many greens because itmakes such a mess for me being as where I live it's so wet and thereare so many bugs. I suppose that would make sense though. I don'treally see the benefits as far as animal quality for feeding greensother than the roughage they do sometimes get.

what kind of bugs? because you have to think.. that's the environment the rabbits came from :p
all they really need is good pellets and timothyhay. I would be really careful when feeding the veggies. Just watchthem for loose or soft stools. If you see any of those then stopfeeding them. Sometimes baby buns can't handle wet foods like that. Andreally they shouldn't be fed to them till they are a little older.