Help - Tilly has lost the plot

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Active Member
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
manchester, , United Kingdom
Tilly, the adorable white bun in my avatar has been acting very strange tonight.
She is now nearly four months old and has always been submissive tobobby, her neutered cage-mate. Earlier she was circling him like mad,then she started chasing him around, then she mounted him.

She was hips-a-blur. It was quite disturbing. We caught her and checked her vitals and she is most definately a she.

After putting her down she started humping him again. Bobby looked likea rabbit caught in headlights. Or maybe that should be rephrased to 'arabbit who'se quiet female buddy has just started humping him'

Has this happened with anyone elses bunnys? Help Please!
hi ya. this is totally normal please donot panic. mounting is a form of fighting over territory and showingwho's boss she's obviously got to the age where she wants to be incharge best thing is to make sure they dont scrap but u should be finethere just trying to find there place in society. Not nice towatch i know.
mc00db wrote:
then she mounted him.

She was hips-a-blur. It was quite disturbing.
I am cracking up over here! You are so funny.

Yes, that happened to me, too. My little Holland Lop startedmounting her FEMALE cage mate, so I had her spayed. She stilldoes it occasionally, but I think it's to demonstratedominance.


cheers for the advice, I'm pleased that my demented little girl is like other rabbits :D

Since the last post he's mounted her, then she mounted him, he pushed her off, then mounted her again.

Rabbits totally deserve the reputation that they have :dude:
My poor little Harold gets that all the time!Judy totally dominates him. Usually around feeding time she gets theurge and humps him, but usually it's his head. She's confused in moreways than one! Harold just sits and takes it, and when she's done, theyboth eat... And they're both fixed. Silly bunnies.
THIS is a very funny thread. Y'all are too funny ;)

I know what you mean about hips-a-blur AHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I've got Tilly booked in for spaying in July, forward planning I know :)

Maybe we should get her done earlier. Was out yesterday and home late so couldn't monitor them much.
Today Tilly is happily running around as usual but Bobby has beensitting on top of one of the dining chairs glaring at everyone..