Help, Strong urine smell

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Pittsburgh Pa, , USA
I have 2 buns and when they pee it smells. Ichange their litter box twice a day sometimes 3 times a day because thesmell is over wellming (sp). What can I do to stop that. That is one ofthe reasons why we are looking for homes for them. We can sneak theminto our new place if the smell is not like that. Help would be greatbecause I really want to keep them. I love them too much. Thank you.

The VERY best thing that you can ever do for yourbuns in terms of urine odor is to purchase Woodypet litter.When using this the odor is practically undetectable.

You can read more about Woodypet at their If youhave a Tractor Supply store in your area it can be purchased there forapproximately $4.99 for a 30 pound bag.

Also, do a search on this site on "Woodypet". There arenumerous testimonials here about how well it works in bunny litterboxes.

Hope this helps!

Are they spayed and/or neutered? Ifnot, getting them altered should help the smell immensely.Even if they're speutered (and especially if they're not), they mayneed their scent glands cleaned. Here's a site that shows youhow to find/clean the scent glands:

Also, if you're using a plastic litterbox, it will tend to absorb odor& if you're not thoroughly cleaning it regularly it'lleventually stink no matter how often youchange thelitter. Get some white vinegar (it's cheap, it's easilyavailable, & it works wonders :D ), & wipe down thelitterbox w/ it every time you clean it.

Good luck!
what is the best litter pan do you guys use. Ibought 2 dish pans and cut the hole out so the buns can get in. I willtry the vanilla extract and see what I can do and as soon as I get somemoney I'll see if my local feed store carries the woodychips. Thank youfor your help. I got to head on out and paint my parents house.
Bunny Mommy, Thanks for posting the WoodyPetlink. I currently use Feline Pine but would rather use WoodyPet. On TheTractor Supply website they show only the Horse WoodyPet bags and notthe Small animial bags, are they the same or do I need to get the onefor small animals?
Using Woody Pet litter will help keep the odor under control.

Diet can also affect the strength of the urine smell.

Some pellets are made with ingrediant specifically intended to reduce the odor of their urine.
I will definatly try it. When we go to our localfeed store to get food for our pets we will head on out to tractorplace to get a few bags. I am going to call my local feed store and seeif they carry someting like that. Is there anyone from the pgh areathat might know a closer place than Butler or west virgina. My localfeed store is at Wexford and Bridgville Pa
I suggest Critter Country, or better yet,Yesterday's News. I use a mixture of the two since CritterCountry is healthy to eat, and also because Yesterday's News is almosttwice as expensive as Critter Country. With about an inch oflitter in the box, you should have absolutely no smell by only changingthe box twice a week. ;) I warn you though, you'll bespending $25 on litter every 1-2 months depending on how much you use,the size of the litter box, and how many rabbits you have. :?

Hope this helped!:D
Hey I'll do whatever it takes to keepthe buns and keep the smell down. Thank you for the otherbrand too. We are going out and I am gonna stop at the petstore formore water bottles and I am gonna browse through and see what they got.
Woody pet is the best,i recently bought a cheaperbrand and my husband said he can smell the difference.He quit smokingand now he smells everything.bluebird