Help! Senior rabbit has become aggressive

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New Member
Apr 30, 2018
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Hello! I have 3 rabbits, two are adults (female and male both 2 y/o) and one senior (6 y/o male) all of the sudden my senior male is agressively fighting with my 2 y/o male. They all have been bonded and fine for a year now, no fights or anything, then all of the sudden FIGHTS! My senior rabbit is the instigator in this situation so for now they are separated. Is this nornal for my senior rabbit to change behavior?

Also all my rabbits have been neutured and spayed.

All help is appreciated!! Thank you!
One thing you have to consider, especially with a senior rabbit, is whether or not there might be an underlying health problem sparking the problems, such as your bun possibly being arthritic and in pain. So might be worth taking your older bun to a rabbit vet for a check up to rule this possibility out.
One thing you have to consider, especially with a senior rabbit, is whether or not there might be an underlying health problem sparking the problems, such as your bun possibly being arthritic and in pain. So might be worth taking your older bun to a rabbit vet for a check up to rule this possibility out.

I’ll have to do that. I was also thinking that same thing :( getting older and starting to have pain.
Thank you for the reply

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