Help! Roommate bought silica gel litter for bun and she ingested it!!

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Oct 14, 2015
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So my bun is a medium unknown species (non-lop) and I asked my roommate to go to the mall on her way home and grab some bun litter. She knows that I usually use yesterday's news. When I got home she told me that a silica gel product had been on super sale and she decided to get that instead and save me some money. Originally after reading reviews of the stuff I thought it was great! But then I changed my search terms to include "rabbit" and realized how dangerous silica can be. I just looked in bun's cage and it looks like she's thrown up in the litter tray. Should I still be worried or just keep an eye on her? I noticed she nibbled it a bit at first but she hasn't been eating it at all now...
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Rabbits cany vomit so its not throw up.
Most anti cat litter will be just that people throwing a tanturm because its cat litter.
Dont use it if your rabbit is going to eat it or lick it or anything of the sort.
Id be phoning a vet up if shes eaten it.
Do you have a photo of what you're calling vomit? Rabbits (like horses and rats) are physiologically incapable of vomiting. Perhaps that's just what the litter you purchased looks like when wet? She'd probably have to ingest a large quantity of the litter to cause any serious signs but if you're worried a call to an animal poison control and/or your veterinarian could certainly be in order.
For now, change the litter if you think she's eating it and keep an eye on her to make sure she's still eating, drinking, pooping and peeing.