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Sep 10, 2013
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My rabbit Luna , won't eat her pellets. She is about 7 weeks old and will only eat her Timothy hay. Her poop is now light brown instead of dark.... I'm worried
Some more info might help:
How long have you had her?
Was she eating pellets before?
Is she drinking water okay?

At least she is eating the Timothy hay because that is good for her even if she isn't eating anything else right now. Since she is so young, she could even have some Alfalfa hay.
I have had her about 5 days, they gave me a bag of the pellets they where giving her to mix in with my own. And yes she in drinking water good.
Was she eating her old pellets okay? If so, it may be she doesn't care for the new ones.

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she is most likely filling up on hay. you may wish to reduce the amount of hay that you are giving her.
My rabbits wouldn't eat their pellets when I first got them either. I stopped giving them the pellets for about a week and when I tried again they started eating them. I gave them unlimited hay in the meantime. I don't think you should limit her hay. Everything I've read says give them as much hay as they want. You could try taking the pellets away for a few days like I did and see what happens. If she still isn't eating them, maybe try a different brand.
Since she's so young, I'd give her alfalfa instead of timothy--more protein and calcium. I'd also just keep the pellet available in case she has a change of heart. Once she gets to 4 months you can introduce veggies and at six months take her off the alfalfa and go back onto timothy.
If you do introduce alfalfa, do it gradually as it can cause digestive upset for some rabbits. It would be good to still feed some timothy hay as well.

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Since she's so young, I'd give her alfalfa instead of timothy--more protein and calcium. I'd also just keep the pellet available in case she has a change of heart. Once she gets to 4 months you can introduce veggies and at six months take her off the alfalfa and go back onto timothy.

I have found with my rabbits the hay does not matter as long as they are getting the nutrients through their food.

Young juniors should never have veggies before 6 months you risk messing their digestive system up and making them more prone to gut issues. I feed my rabbits timothy from the day they are born to the day they leave my rabbitry.

Who did you get her from? At 7 weeks she should have just been weaned and right now would have been considered her "rest period" which means that she gets over the shock of weaning and gets into the grove of being an independent rabbit. She should still be with the owner during this time. The stress of weaning can be enough to kill a rabbit (Im not trying to scare you, i just want you aware) It is very important that you watch her during this time to make sure she is peppy and not depressed.

As with her pellets what kind of pellets are you feeding her? She could be stressed with the move try to put some rolled oats in her feed to help her understand that her pellets taste good. Is she eating hay? Have you let her rest? Is her poop loose or just a lighter color? I definitely recommend mixing in some rolled oats with the pellets from the original owner, I did this with some stubborn juniors we purchased and they nibbled on the oats and then gobbled down their food.

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