Help Please - My male bunnies got into gether and have caused lip injury

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New Member
Jun 27, 2010
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nsw, , Australia
My male bunnies are always seperated, 2 of them got threw the fence to each other and one has ripped the others bottom lip, it was alrite soI put them back and have just checked on him and his lip is swollen gone hard and looks like it has puss in it, is there anything i can do for him as my vet is currently closed he looks ok otherwise and is happy
First of all I would make sure the males remain separated.
It soundslike there is already an infection in the area; How long ago did this occur.

I would get betadine (Povidine Iodine) from a drug store, dilute it with water and with cotton balls cleanse the lip area

Do this a few times a day until Mon when you can go to the vet.
Also apply a small amount of neosporin (plain) on the lip . Obviously you are going to have problems with him licking it off so apply just a small amount

If the infection is superficial this may clear it up but at this point you may also need a systemic antibiotic

Make sure that you get the surgical wash betadine (Povidine iodne )and not regular iodine. use of Regular iodine will be extremely painful to your bunny . Also do not use hydrogen peroxide

On reading your inital post again it sounds as if your bun already has an abscess. You can still follow the advice that I gave but you do need to go to a rabbit saavy vet for appropriate care and antibiotics.
An infection could not have developed within just a day--how long ago was the fight? It does sound a lot like he has an abscessed, infected wound, that should be treated. A vet should take a look at it and prescribe the proper antibiotics. Abscesses can be treated without opening them up--this works the best.

Also you may want to make sure it is not a myxoma (from myxi), because of your location.