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Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Ayr, , United Kingdom
Update: Holly (the rabbit I introduced myselfwith a while back) has since passed on a while ago. When I went onholiday, Holly went to my aunts house to stay for the week. She andtheir dog soon died due to the consumption of a particularly nastypoision. A few weeks later we adopted Mouse.

Disclaimer: Mouse came to us already pregnant from the sspca. Mouseherself is a small dutch and during the time of the veterinaryappointment she attended to ensure that she wasn't pregnant before weadopted her she looked pretty "neat" even up to her actual day oflabour. We have had her for about two weeks and wehavealready phoned the sspca who have offered to provide a space for thefour babies once they have been weaned and also suggested that we lookup on the internet for information.

Last night when I came in from work at 1-o'clock I noticed not onlythat there was pieces of her fur lying around but also that Mouse hadsplit herself up so there were four more of her.

For my actual question though. I have found lots of information on whatthe kittens should look like, I already know the average litter sizes('little late to find out that, eh?) but I can't find any informationon WHAT I should be doing. What vegetables should I be buying in forher? What do I have to look out for? She's currently got her babies outin the open - when can I move them if at all? I need every scrap ofinformation available about what to do once the mother has given birthand all I can find are pages scolding the thought of multiplying therabbit population when I need information and help.

Is anybody able to provide links to this kind of information or provide it themselves, if so may I thank you in advance.
When does dont put them in a box i gather themup and put them in a box and cover them up.Iwould get some romainelettuce,apples,carrots.bluebird
What a surprise!

She may not be used to having veggies and dark leafy greens in herdiet, so make those changes very slowly or she could become very ill.

As already mentioned, gather up the babies and fur and place them in asturdy box in the cage. She will nurse the babies only onceor twice per day.

Gradually increase her feed as the babies get older.

The babies will open their eyes and be hopping around by 14days. They will munch on moms food, sono specialfeeding is required.

They can be weaned from the dam at 6-8 weeks and the males/females must be separated by 12 weeks of age.

Thank you! It was indeed a BIG surprise

Mouse was fed a lot of greens and root vegat the sspca centre and here she gets more grass.

I've moved her kittens to another box, let her run around like a loonyin the house, calmed myself down, given her some delicious veggies andoffered her a variety of nesting materials. *gasp*

My heart can't take much more of this!

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