New Member
Came home yesterday night to find that our big black mom of 5 had passed away during the day. After the initial tears etc.... its now on to the important subject of looking after the kids.
They are about 5.5 weeks old and from what I have read this seems to be about the time they are weaned off mums milk. So questions :-
1) should we supply them with some milk??
2) what food/suppliments might we need now mum is gone?
3) any other advise would be great (full clean out of the hutch and area will happen today just incase her deaths related to that but I don't think so).
Not the greatest hello topic but will post a few piccies when I work out how to
They are about 5.5 weeks old and from what I have read this seems to be about the time they are weaned off mums milk. So questions :-
1) should we supply them with some milk??
2) what food/suppliments might we need now mum is gone?
3) any other advise would be great (full clean out of the hutch and area will happen today just incase her deaths related to that but I don't think so).
Not the greatest hello topic but will post a few piccies when I work out how to