Active Member
DOG FOOD!!! It is the plain old dry purina dogchow. I have two dogs who are leisurely eaters and will not eat it tillit is gone in one feeding. I am going to try and put a similar bowl ofher pellets next to the dogs dishes but beyond tha I don't know. Anyideas?
Also is it okay to pick up rabbits by the scruff of the neck? I have afull grown mini lop that does not like to be picked up. She kicks andwiggles and I am afraid she is going to hurt herself struggling. I haveto pick her up at timesso I was wondering if this isacceptable and whether or not it hurts them or not.
Thanks in advance!
HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!! :bunnyheart
Also is it okay to pick up rabbits by the scruff of the neck? I have afull grown mini lop that does not like to be picked up. She kicks andwiggles and I am afraid she is going to hurt herself struggling. I haveto pick her up at timesso I was wondering if this isacceptable and whether or not it hurts them or not.
Thanks in advance!
HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!! :bunnyheart