Help! My bunny won't stop eating ........

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Active Member
May 31, 2006
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Woodstock, Illinois, USA
DOG FOOD!!! It is the plain old dry purina dogchow. I have two dogs who are leisurely eaters and will not eat it tillit is gone in one feeding. I am going to try and put a similar bowl ofher pellets next to the dogs dishes but beyond tha I don't know. Anyideas?

Also is it okay to pick up rabbits by the scruff of the neck? I have afull grown mini lop that does not like to be picked up. She kicks andwiggles and I am afraid she is going to hurt herself struggling. I haveto pick her up at timesso I was wondering if this isacceptable and whether or not it hurts them or not.

Thanks in advance!

HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!! :bunnyheart

Hi!! No, it isn't okay to pick them upby the scruff of their neck. Their bones are very fragile andshe could kick so hard that she injures or breaks her spine.
I always pick up my rabbits by the scruff of their neck, i make sure i have a firm hold first, and then i put my free hand on their bottom and hold them close to my body, so that if they do struggle i can transfer them to a sort of "cradle" using both arms.

Ellie and the :bunnydance:s
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
I always pick up my rabbits by the scruff of their neck, i make sure i have a firm hold first, and then i put my free hand on their bottom and hold them close to my body, so that if they do struggle i can transfer them to a sort of "cradle" using both arms.

Ellie and the :bunnydance:s

i wouldnt pick them up by the scruff of their neck either and risk injury.
THAT was an error of wording, did you bother to finish the sentence?

i make sure i have a firm hold first, and then i put my free hand on their bottom and hold them close to my body, so that if they do struggle i can transfer them to a sort of "cradle" using both arms.

Glad I read this as all 3 of my bunny books say that you should pick them up by the scuff once they are grown (under the bum and chest as babies and scruff if grown)

I always assumed that if meant just to pick them up,rather than carry them. I have only done it on rare occasions when they are in, 'can't catch me' mode, but I shall change my plan of action next time they are running around like lunatics!
What sbout putting the dog food up higher where your bun couldnt get it?? they have those dog dog bowl stands they keep the bowls off the ground...maybe that could work.
rabbits should never have any animal protein.

if my bunny even ate a crumb of dog food they would be at the vet! never ever ever ever let them eat dog food.

thats just crazy....
How much did your rabbit get? A bunny's GI tract will not handle the animal protein found in dog food. Be sure to give your bunny lots of hay to help its GI along, and be prepared for a vet visit if any GI problems arise (not pooping, not eating).

As for preventing this in the future, you need to keep the food completely out of the bunny's reach.
Big no-no on the dog food. It is very bad for rabbits and can easily upset their GI Tracts.

About picking up by the scruff, my cousin is very experienced with rabbits and this is how she picks up all her adult rabbits (with support to their hind legs as well). She says in this position rabbits are less likely to struggle and in a way safer IF you do it correctly.I wouldn't suggest to do it if you aren't experienced and have never done it. I've handled Pebbles by picking her up by the scruff with some support, and she seems to like it better then other methods. I think if you have them steady and firm grasp and firm hold on their behinds it should be ok. I don't recommend it, but it is ok to do. If you hold their back legs firmly, there isn't any riskof them kicking out. All my cousins rabbits don't mind at all having done this because that's how they are handled normally. If your rabbit isn't used to doing it though, I would no recommend it.

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