HELP!! My bun is pregnant!

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Active Member
Jun 9, 2011
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Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Help!! My bun is due to have babies on the 17th and I need to know the basics. If she has them, how soon can I handle them to "hand tame" them? Also, if she won't take care of them, what do they need to eat and how often? This pregnancy was not planned, just an accident that happened when my husband was cleaning cages. Please help. Any advice is MUCH appreciated!
You can hold them when they're first born, however, I wouldn't recomend holding them lots when they're really little. But, as the get to a couple weeks old, yes handling is a good thing. Its good for them to be really used to people.
As far as the mum bunny not taking care of them, I doubt you'll have a huge issue with that. If somehow that does end up happening Kitten milk replacer should work. Really though, I don't thing bunnies leave their kits thatoften and being that hand-raising is so difficult, I'd try to leave them with their mum if at all possible.
On the 17th of November is when she's due? Or the 17th of October (which has passed)?

You can handle them from day 1 - and you will need to check the nestbox to make sure all the kits are okay, and remove any dead ones. I try to not to handle them too much until about the time they get their eyes open and then I will handle them more often, at least a few times a week.

She shouldn't abandon them, and on the rare chance she does it's very hard to handraise baby rabbits, especially for someone who is inexperienced, and I'm guessing this is your first litter? Different breeders use different milk replacers. If it comes down to that, then you can worry about that. ;)

Hope this helps! Maybe a mod will find it and move it to the Rabbitry & Showroom section so you can get more answers. ;)

BlueCamasRabbitry: the babies were due on the 17th of October. They are not yet born, however. But I am sure that she will keep us all updated on her bunny.

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