Help my aggressive bunny!

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Feb 17, 2006
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So I have this rabbit, her name is Mousse, she is a 7 month old dwarf rabbit. I litter trained her and have had her since october and she runs around the house as she pleases. She was pretty sweet in the beginning, friendly, we cuddled and pet a lot, and all of a sudden she became very aggressive. I don't know if it's something I did or what. She gets lots of veggies and fruit and fresh water and pellets, but she is grunting at me and attacking me when I try to approach her- ears down, small bites, lots of scratching. Literally running away when I enter the room and hiding. I don't understand. One day she started circling my feet which I understand is sexual behavior and that day she was VERY affectionnate, but then the next day it was back to the same routine. She's now in her cage part time and I let her out when I am around, I am hoping she changes her mind about me (it's not just me, though, it's everyone) but I don't know what to do.

I am very sad for Mousse, I want her to be happy, but don't know how to change this! I am thinking she may need to be spayed, but not sure that would be the cause of her aggressiveness. She's in good health and is eating and running around and such and doesn't seem to be in any pain.

Any help from rabbit lovers?????
spay spay spay

Poor little thing is hitting the 'teenage' years and her hormones are what is probably causing the agression. Spaying will reduce (if not completely end) her agressiveness. Once she is spayed, her hormones will drop and she'll probably calm down a lot.

Also because she is female, you should definately get her spayed for health reasons. Unpsayed female buns have a high chance of dying from Utirine cancer before 3 years of age.

Good luck with the bun!

Nadia &
Misty :bunnydance:

EDIT: For Poor Grammar
That's what I thought! Will make an appointment ASAP. I am in Paris.... must go google "spayed" in french, LOL!
worked for Pipp, too, after she went from :bunny19to :mad:at six or seven months or so. It took a month or three after she was fixed to get back to being sweet. And the cats never did fullyrecover from theirordeal.

sas :)and pipp :blushan