Help! Momma pregnant again??

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Jun 2, 2010
Reaction score
Hilo, Hawaii, USA
Our doe had a litter 12 days ago, and now I'm thinking she might either be having a phantom pregnancy, or a real one, with the first litter still dependent on her!
I can't feel any lumps on her belly (but I've never felt a pregnant bunny before, and I didn't get a real good feel). But I walked out again while writing this, and she's relaxing for a second with a huge mouthful of hay in her mouth. Earlier she was thumping all around in the nest box, and actually forced one of the babies out. While I was watching she was scratching the bedding, carrying it all around, and accidently stepped on one of the babies. The bedding has been completely moved around into a new set-up.
Right now I have the babies out of the box because I'm worried about her accidently hurting one of them in her enthusiasm.
Is she pregnant? House cleaning? If she is pregnant, will the first litter be ok? If not, what do I need to expect/ do?
I wasn't here when she was bred the first time, and I don't know if she's been near the male since the orginal breeding. (I came in for the last week or so of pregnancy).

Thanks for any help!!
You need to know if she was near a male since her last breeding. Find out. Who's care was she in? This is why, as a breeder, you need to make the best choices so as to never be in this situation.

That is neither here nor there, really, though. Either she's pregnant or she's not. Either way, you've got a problem. She's either a very poor mother or she's a very good mother in a a predicament.

If you can't palpate, you must assume she is pregnant. I think you did well to take her kits out during this tumult. Keep them in her original nesting material with her fur if possible. Give your doe new materials with which to build a new nest and let her do it.

In the mean time, make sure your kits are nursing once a day. I'd see if mom will nurse them (supervised) in their new temporary nest box. If she won't flip her over and take each kit and let them nurse on her while you hold them and protect them from her hind legs (you don't want flying kits). When bellies are full and round, put the kits back in their temp nest box and return mom to her new nest box.

I'd give her a few days to see if she kindles another litter. Is she does, since the two litters will be quite different in size, I'd allow your doe to nurse each litter separately until you feel the younger set is big and strong enough to compete with the older set or just keep them separate and on regular feeding schedules - letting the younger seat nurse first.

Good luck.
Technically the rabbits are my grandparents. I moved in with them a little over a week before the momma kindled. I talked to them, but their memory isn't quite up to snuff sometimes (>_<) so neither of them remembers if they put the two together more then once. I've just taken over the responsibility of taking care of the rabbits, litter included.
We did try to palpitate her, and didn't feel anything, but since none of us are experts, I wouldn't say one way or another.
She did move the nest all around, made it look like 'new' again, and then stopped. I put the babies back in, and have been keeping a close ear out for any more noises. I'll check in the night if I wake up, and early morning.
The kits are still full and warm and happy. If she does have another litter, what should I expect? Do I need to completely remove them from the cage? (It's not quite big enough for two nesting boxes). She's been a great momma to them so far, and I'm worried to completely remove them except for feeding if she does have a new litter. Everytime I take them out for morning checks, she seems very worried until their back.
If she doesn't have another litter, what could have caused her spaz out? There wasn't any noises that she isn't used to, no strange animals, no strange people. Just a normal, everyday, well... day. Was this a (hopefully!!) one time occurence, or should I expect to see it again?
Thanks for the advice! I'm watching closely now, and will wait a few days.
Quick update - momma started making a fuss again, and when I went out to check, 2 of the babies were out of the nest and squeaking, and one was still in the next but by the edge. Momma (yet again) had straw in her mouth and was moving things.
I put the babies in a box with some towels and hay... No fur, but only because the momma had completely destroyed/ covered / hid the original nest material, and was in the box when I grabbed the babies. I have them in a safe area. It's pretty warm here, but I have a heater pad under a 1/3 of the box for the babies in case they get cool.
Should I expect now that she's pegnant? This is the strangest anyone has seen her act, other then when she had her first litter. No pulled fur yet, but I'll check in the morning.
There's not enough room in the cage for two nest boxes... What would be the next best alternative if she does have a second litter?
If she doesn't have a litter but keeps this up... Should I remove the babies since she's being uncaring/ rough with them? What (again) would be the best alternative?
since it has only been two weeks since she had her last litter I am thinking this is a false pregnancy. I would watch her and just bring the babies to her to feed. If she does for some reason have another litter, i would keep the first litter out and just bring them to her to feed and let her take care of the second litter her self.

I have had a mother give birth to babies and then around 4 weeks later give birth to another litter, have never had one give birth two weeks later.

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