Help! Memory loss .. am I going mad ?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
I saw my Mum yesterday and said .. "We should go and call and see your grand daughter at work and have a coffee with her sometime" ... and she replied ... "We went a couple of months ago". I totally denied this .. then she proceeded to describe the Hotel .. err, ooops. Seriously though, I have NO memory whatsoever of this. On asking my daughter later she confirmed what my mum had said, that we had been in .. freaked me out a little at the time I must say.

Then this morning, daughter No. 2 asked if I'd enjoyed The Duchess as a film and I said, " .. but I've not seen it" ... and you know what comes next. We watched the film together and there were points I said things in exactly the same place as I'd said them when we'd watched it together the first time ... yet I have no memory of doing so.

Am I going mad?
Something medical might be going on with your memory centers of the brain. I might ask the doctor about it.

Do you have any health issues?
It could be nothing, but it could be something.

It could be stress, or you have a good memory for different things (I have no memory for films and never remember them, or even titles, yet can remember text really easily), it could be hormones (dare I say 'the change' or pregnancy?), depression or something else. You're not mad, but if you're worried get it checked out :)
Do you get enough sleep? I don't sleep as much as I should, especially during the week, and my memory is terrible. I noticed it was much better when I was on vacation last fall, and also over the holidays, when I was getting more sleep.
Some things are worse than others, I can tell you exactly how many carrots are in the fridge, and exactly where they are in there, but I'm terrible at remembering other things.
How old are you? I know that some memory loss with age is normal, but not a lot. You could have something wrong. My mum is the same way (she's 54). I think she has undiagnosed ADD/ADHD, but she forgets to call in to the doctor about it. I work on the memory care unit of a nursing home, and a lot of them started with just little forgetful things. The sooner you catch something, the easier it is to treat or at least manage.
I think forgetting about a film you watched is one thing (ater all it's a story that didn't happen to you) I have arguments with David all the time, when He insists we have watched certain films together and I have no memory of it. But forgetting about having visited someone a few months ago would seriously worry me. Unless you had a particular reason that would make you want to forget the visit.... It's surely something to watch
Flashy wrote:
It could be nothing, but it could be something.

It could be stress, or you have a good memory for different things (I have no memory for films and never remember them, or even titles, yet can remember text really easily), it could be hormones (dare I say 'the change' or pregnancy?), depression or something else. You're not mad, but if you're worried get it checked out :)

I was sort of thinking stress - I get that way when I am stressed!

but books..... I love them, I read them, but at some point I will forget a lot of a book sometimes.
I have memory issues related to my heart issues. I may remember things from 20 years ago, but I may not remember 5 minutes ago...I used to have a great it's frustrating. Also when my heart is acting stupid its worse...I can't hold a thought for 5 seconds!

Hopefully your Dr can give you some ideas...g/l, its definately frustrating.
I'm going to make an appointment with the Nurse for later this week and will ask her then ... I have a feeling it may be stress/menopause related. I had a blood test about 4 months ago and the Doctor said I was "on the verge" of the menopause .. whatever that means .. I've probably gone headlong into it .. haha ...

You're all going to have to put up with me repeating myself ..

xx :biggrin2:
I wondered about that also. Hormones are wild things sometimes and can do so many weird things to us..... I'm 45..... I feel for ya!

Saffy wrote:
I'm going to make an appointment with the Nurse for later this week and will ask her then ... I have a feeling it may be stress/menopause related. I had a blood test about 4 months ago and the Doctor said I was "on the verge" of the menopause .. whatever that means .. I've probably gone headlong into it .. haha ...

You're all going to have to put up with me repeating myself ..

xx :biggrin2:
I can relate to the memory loss, a bit. My hormones are just fine, thank you! :p I just have ADHD and... hey look! A stringy! :ph34r2 What was I saying now?
Mild memory loss tends to run in my family (think I inherited it from my dad :?). Sometimes I can remember the most minute details of something, and other times I am scrambling to even remember a co-worker's name...someone I see almost every day. (It's one reason why I gave up even trying to remember who owns which rabbits in the forum...LOL.)

Stress can definitely be a factor too; many years ago I went through a long period of unemployment, and while I was on a computer course during that period I had a conversation with another woman there who was in the same situation as me. She was very worried that she was starting to lose her mind because she said her memory was totally shot, but then I asked her when she first noticed it, and she said not long after she lost her job. Same thing had happened to me...with high stress came extreme memory loss. I simply couldn't focus on anything. Oh, and btw, there have been many times I've purchased used movies at the video store only to realize once home that I already had a copy. :biggrin2:

It's always good to mention these things to your doctor, but I'll bet it's simply external we won't count you as mad just yet. :p
Saffy wrote:
Heh .. thanks for the replies. I'm going to mention it to the Doctor when I next see her .. I think it might be "my age" .. 47 .. :biggrin2: Oh the delights of being a woman.
Well sister, I'm close on your heels! And at times I swear I'm developing early Alzheimer's (We have it in our family, so I'm really paranoid about that!).

Last year when I went 4 months without the monthly visitor,I was such a dip the entire time. (It was the only time I'd ever "missed", other than my pregnancies and nursing the babies ;).)My kids already have given me the nickname Crazy. Once I get even moreirregularcycles, I probably will forget all of their names or something.
I figure it's all payback...

I remember when I was a teenager, my dad was huffing around the house one day, face as red as a beet, demanding to know who hid his reading glasses. He swore up and down that he'd left them on the arm of 'his' chair, and once he caught the bugger who took them, they'd be in for it. We all shook our heads innocently and said, 'No...none of us have seen your glasses, Dad', and then muffled our snickers as he stomped out of the room in a fury, glasses bobbing up and down on top of his head as he stormed away.


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