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Bramble Briar86

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Honey Bun's Hangout, Illinois, USA
I THINK BRAMBLE'S PREGNANT! ahhhhhhh. how do i know?

when i first got my buck and doe about three weeks ago iput them into the same pen to see if Briar (buck) was sexually mature.well, he was! he mounted her and i quickly took him off her. now, hreeweeks later. Bramble is huge and very skinny otherwise.

she is quite thin and you can really feel herback vertebrae and hips. her stomach is massive though!

her appetite is ravinous and i don't know what to do?

how do you palpate a doe?

Bramble is a bit worse for wear, eh?Emaciated, bloated belly, missing patches of fur on her back, andpossibly pregnant? You've got a handful to deal with all atonce.

Unfortunately, my rabbit experience does not include breeding, so I amunable to provide any advice. You might try querying thearchives by searching for palpation and hitting the search button, ifyou have found that? It's on the top right.

Others, with more breeding experience, might come along and offersuggestions, as well. With the urgency in your title, Ithought you might not want to wait for other posters to reply and mighthelp yourself much more quickly by searching the archives.

Hope you obtain the information you seek.

i guess that's what you get for getting rescues.i went out to check and the fur on her neck, surprisingly, is comingback, thickly. i thought she wasn't pregnant and her being a dwarf, ifed her little with constant full hay-rack. i wonder if she's pregnantand i haven't been feeding her enough because her hay always isgone too. **ponders** Ellie

Welcome Bramble Briar86,

At the top of this forum, there is a post entitled "A Cheat Sheet forRabbit Care", in there, there is a website that addresses how to tellif your rabbit is pregnant.

If you feel marbles in her belly, then she is, but not knowing how faralong she is, sometimes it's hard to palpate her belly and feel them.

Gestation is anywhere from 28-35 days. Don't limit her feed or hay or water at this time. Let her have it all.

Keep us posted.

One request though, pink font and colored fonts are very hard for me tosee. Can you please change your color to black so that I'm notstraining? Some folks in here also have claimed to get migranes fromcolored fonts, so it'd be most appreciated.

Thanks so much! Glad you found us.


Bramble Briar86 wrote:
...and her being a dwarf, i fed her little with constantfull hay-rack. i wonder if she's pregnant and i haven't been feedingher enough because her hay always is gone too. **ponders**Ellie
Rule of thumb, I've been told. is to feed 1 ounce per pound of rabbitand adjust from there, so a 2.5 lb dwarf, if that is what she is,should be getting 2-3 ounces of feed minimally, and more, if needed, inaddition to free feeding of a hay such as timothy.

If she ishogging down all her hay constantly, she is probablyhungry, especially if she is outside, as you imply, and might,therefore, need the extra calories to maintain body heat.Dwarfs, I understand, have more difficulty adjusting to outside coldtemperatures than some other larger, and more hardier breeds.

If she is, in fact, pregnant, you are probably going to need a nestbox, especially if outside.If that is the case, and yourcalendar timing is correct, she may be a momma soon, not leaving you alot of time to prepare her and/or the site. It seems she isnot in the best of health and needs all the TLC you can provide.

i've already provided her with a nest box becauseshe was an indoor bunny before i rescued her because those people saidshe had just had a litter. so, she has one all winter this year becausei felt it was unfair to her because she didn't have time to build asuitable coat. thank you for all your help. i find it strange how allhistory teahcers are so intelligent. lol. i have got mixed feelings asto her being pregnant. i want those pups badly but the parents mightobject. although i was going to breed her in the spring because iwanted to try rabbit meat. hossenphefer? i think that's what the meatis called
It is German for rabbit stew, but most postershere are pet owners or ARBA showers. Not very manymeat/fur producers, I'm afraid. You won't find toomany people here who are comfortable with your plans.

I doubt you will be treated with disrespect, but you will not probablyhave people falling over themselves welcoming you, as you can wellimagine after perusing the archives well enough to ascertain that I wasa history teacher in another life. LOL

Don't get me wrong, i kindof said that off-hand. i adore rabbits! you think i'd get this workedup over my beloved bunny if i didn't love rabbits? i was going to go inmore extensively but i got sidetracked. i would only give the rabbitsup for meat after giving them away or selling them to good-quality petstores. i'm only 14 for pete's sake! lol. and i heard hossenphefer froma meat breeder down the street. i actually have saved one of their meatprospects before. her name was sugar, although i loathed the thingafter a while because of it's crass behavior, i stilled cared for it,and didn't eat it! now, you've got me all worked up again. arg. lol.ah, well. what's done is done.

a befuddled, Ellie
No particularattempt made tobefuddleyou, it is just that we sometimes get trolls posting,who drop comments, not unlike your own, just to rile people up and seewhat they can get going.

We've also had snake owners, "posing" as rabbit lovers in order toglean information that might better provide fodder for theirpets. I'm not as sensitive as many here regarding the varieduses of rabbits, but I do draw the line at some one surreptitiouslyattempting to pick our brains for their own ulterior motives.I would much prefer they be up front about it, and let thechipshonestly fall where they may.

You're pretty erudite, by the way, for using such a cool wordas crass! Many young people would not have aclue how to use that word in a sentence. You are to becommended for that.

i honestly am sorry for any "brain picking" ihonestly meant no harm. and cringe at the thought of a poor bunny beingswalled by anything. i also pride myself in being an avid readerthat jumps at the chance to become greater in vocab skills and setmyself apart from the classic conception of a teenager. i also perferrustic beauty to the smog infested city! no harm meant by "smoginfested" and have become adroit in keeping classmates confused andworried when i talk, as i might have said something that insults themor belittled their intelligence. i honestly hope all can forgive me inwhat i said. i would never deream of fedding a rabbit to an animal andhope that i can "restore" my "image" and show you all i'm not a rabbiteating madman (or madwoman if you please.)

a slightly less befuddled,

Okay, relax! Just try to get your bunwell, regardless if she is pregnant, or not? Please don't bewary of asking questions. People here are more than willingto helpas we do tend to consider ourselvesassort of a family.

Forgive me if I seemed a bit "chuffish," but we don't want to encouragetrolls, nor do we want to discourage legitmate seekers of rabbithusbandry, either.

If I haven't yet extended a personal welcome to the Forum, please allowme to do so, now. Hope you decide to hang around a while andshare the ongoing saga of Ms. Bramble.


i am much obliged buck and i do feel better nowthat i'm not being "shunned" if you will. i will keep all posted as hercondition of pregnancy unferls. would you recommend weighing b and b,and thus providing me with the info on how much to feed?

Good place as any to start! It'll giveyou a reference point in any case. I tryto weigh mybuns each month as part of their manicure routine and then record thedata in my Bunny health record book. It helps to indicate ifthings are going amiss and enable me to catch things much earlier,thanif I wasn't following their weights.

Buck Jones wrote:
It is German for rabbit stew, but most posters here are petowners or ARBA showers. Not very many meat/furproducers, I'm afraid. You won't find too many people herewho are comfortable with your plans.

I doubt you will be treated with disrespect, but you will not probablyhave people falling over themselves welcoming you, as you can wellimagine after perusing the archives well enough to ascertain that I wasa history teacher in another life. LOL


I thank you, Buck. I, too, was quite curious after reading thatcomment.Strange howthe conversation went fromrabbit stew to'adoring them to cringe at the thought of apoor bunny being swollowed by anything.'

Regardless of age, if one is here to get a rise out of others or showdisrespect and think it's funny, I can guarantee that their plan willquickly backfire and it will get them no where but banned from thissite.


It's okay, just sperate them, that's whathappened to my Nightball and CaliBunny's Starr. We took him off, but,they were just playing! it's okay, trust me on this one, I had the sameproblem!

Welcome,I dont know what state you are in, but iraise netherland dwarfs and if you are in any of the northern statesyour netherland dwarf babies will likely not survive outside this timeof year.bluebird
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
when i first got my buck and doe about three weeks ago iput them into the same pen to see if Briar (buck) was sexually mature.well, he was! he mounted

Whoa, that's playing with fire! Probably not an experiment you'd want to repeat....:shock:

Even a pre-pubescent buck (or doe!) will often mount another rabbit toshow dominance. It's not a good indicator of maturity. You can usuallytell visually--that's much more accurate.

If she's pulling her furout..making a nest with it, then that's a sign of her being pregnant:). I'm not a rabbit expert..but, looking back to the othr posts, Ithink they were only playing. heh.

--» Katy.

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