New Member
Hello everybody! My name is Michele and I am new to the forum. I am a veterinary technician and a client of mine said this forum was the best. About a year ago I got a mini lop bunny. I had never owned one before, so I tried to do all my reseasrch to make sure that I was doing everything right. I have two isssues...
1. When Shamus (my bunny) was a baby he was very skittish and didn't like to be held. He loves my maltese and three cat, but anytime I try and hold him or even pet him he runs away. It breaks my heart because I feel like hes scared of me or doesn't trust me and I've owned him for a year now. So if anyone has any helpful hints to help my bunny trust me would be great.
2. My second problem is a liter training problem...I honestly feel like a failure..I've owned all different kinds of animals my whole life and have never had a problem with them trusting me or litter box training. At first he refused to use a litterbox so I went online and had read that I should change the litter. I was using woodypet and have switched to carefresh. Once I switched he started using the litterbox. Now he will only use the litterbox thats in his cage, if he is out of his cage he will go to the bathroom wherever he wants to. Even though I have two other litterboxes out of the cage.
Again if anyone has any suggestions I am all ears. I feel bad because I want him to be part of the family and have more time out of his cage but I can't have him going to the bathroom everywhere and anywhere.
please help
1. When Shamus (my bunny) was a baby he was very skittish and didn't like to be held. He loves my maltese and three cat, but anytime I try and hold him or even pet him he runs away. It breaks my heart because I feel like hes scared of me or doesn't trust me and I've owned him for a year now. So if anyone has any helpful hints to help my bunny trust me would be great.
2. My second problem is a liter training problem...I honestly feel like a failure..I've owned all different kinds of animals my whole life and have never had a problem with them trusting me or litter box training. At first he refused to use a litterbox so I went online and had read that I should change the litter. I was using woodypet and have switched to carefresh. Once I switched he started using the litterbox. Now he will only use the litterbox thats in his cage, if he is out of his cage he will go to the bathroom wherever he wants to. Even though I have two other litterboxes out of the cage.
Again if anyone has any suggestions I am all ears. I feel bad because I want him to be part of the family and have more time out of his cage but I can't have him going to the bathroom everywhere and anywhere.
please help