Help in renaming Bunny...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So I was thinking of changing Bunny's name for a few reasons:

- we used to call our female cat Sunny Bunny, and she's starting to get REALLLLLY jealous about us calling our bunny by the same name (Bunny). She cries outside the door the whole time I have bunny out, and this morning she pooped in my daughter's room (the litterbox is perfectly clean, and it was obvious it was her), which I think was her throwing a bit of a kitty fit.

- I would like to name her something less generic

So, here's my thought. As I do not know my baby's gender just yet, I have to name her something non-gender or that would work with either a boy or girl bunny.

As far as looks...she's becoming a dark gray, is quite fluffy (in between rex fur and angora fur...not long, just fluffy). She's got a very fun-loving, sweet, and at the same time mischevious personality.

I was originally going to name her Petunia, but it's just too feminine if she turns out to be a male bunny, so now I have to think of something else.

Anyone have any ideas?? Throw me any names you can think of that work for male or female...:D
I GOT IT!!!!! And I have to admit, I was searching through old threads on the site, and thus am kinda stealing it...(if you own the bunny by this name, and mind my using it, let me know).

Bunny's new name will be....drumroll please.....

Maisie!! You pronounce the s like a z...and it's celtic for "pearl", which was a name I was toying with, but thought it was a bit too feminine. Now, granted, Maisie is also a bit feminine, but less so than pearl.

I thought "pearl" because she's not a flat gray, she's got so many varieties of gray and white in her, and thought it was suitable.

What do you guys think???? :bunnydance:

Lol...then we can nickname him corndog...LOL!

Nadezhda wrote:
That's adorable : D

If bunny ends up being a boy, you can always call him 'Maize', which I'm pretty sure is the spelling for what others call 'corn'.
Another quick note...the girl that we bought Maisie from said that she's absolutely sure she's a girl, since all the other bunnies she sexed as girls turned out to be just that. Here's hoping!!


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