Help! Humping...

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Jun 7, 2006
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My male has been into humping for the pastcouple of months. He only wants to hump me. Hehasn't tried to hump anything or anyone else. He particularlylikes my hair/head. Although lately, he has tried to getamore "receptive" response from my arm! He buzzesme nonstop and circles my feet all the time. For the humpingpart, he tries and tries and tries to no avail and then runs off torest for a few minutes before coming back to try again.

Aside from neutering him (really don't want to...), how can I help him understand that his mommy is NOT his girlfriend????
maybe a stuffed animal? Someone here gives herbun a stuffed bear to "practice" on. In all honesty, neutering is thebest way to stop him from humping you. It's his poor hormones onoverdrive.....neutering is also good for health reasons.
You might be able to distract him with a stuffedanimal, but really the only way of stopping this is to neuterhim. He sees you as his mate and he has a very strong sexualurge.

What was the reason you don't want to? Sometimes people whoare new to rabbits, or new to spaying/neutering them are uncomfortablewith the idea because it seems "unnatural" or they're worried aboutsurgical complications. As long as the vet is experiencedwith rabbits (and it's very important to find out!), it's rare to loosea healthy rabbit to spay/neuter. I've spayed three girls now,and the spays have allowed them to calm down more, be less frustratedand angry, and develop better relationships with me and eachother. I also have a neutered boy, but he was alreadyneutered when I adopted him.
We only have the one rabbit and don't have plansto get any more. With a 3 lb indoor rabbit, and an 85 lboutdoor dog...we have our hands full and we plan to start havingkidsin the next couple ofyears! So, itjust seemed easier not to neuter because he is an indoor pet, we don'tknow of a vet who is experienced with rabbits, and money is prettytight right now (but that situation is improving!).
Oh, and does anyone have any specificinformation on the best type of stuffed animal to get him? Idefinitely want to try that route!
Hello!! We gave our bunn Solembum astuffed bear!!! He had this weird fascination with myhair! He would run around oinkng and honking, it was nice tobe romanced...but not when he started to spray myhair!!:shock: We put his bear in his X-pen...and whenever hewould start giving my elbows and wrists THAT look I would pick him upand put him on his friend(Sir Humps-a-lot the bear!). Thiswas a temp solution honestly...we were waiting for him to go in for hisneuter. He would go wild with his friend and 2 minutes laterbe back looking for more!! LOL My hubby was proud!!:D It took about 1 1/2 months to stop humping things andabout 3 months to stop spraying after the neuter. We arepicking up another male tomorrow night and he will be sent in for thesnip too in around 2 weeks! Once a bunn startsspraying! Wow!! Watch out! Especially ifhe likes your head/hair now!! I got tired of washing my hairall the time! LOL Try a stuffed bear or stuffedanimal I don't think bunns are too picky...I would aim for somethingthe same size or a little bigger! Here is a pick of our boythe love machine and his 'friend'!!
