Help House Training New Bun?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2004
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Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
She's a beautiful, tan-orangecoloredmini-lop who is, according to her breeder, a littleover 12 weeks old. Now, litter training came naturally to our otherrabbit Dusty, who simply chose a corner, later found a box placedthere, and he uses that corner/litter box to this day! Our new bun"Amber" :D(She's so pretty) is used to living in a small 2X4,wire bottomed cage with all of her siblings & mother in it! Shepees and dropps pellets indiscriminantly both inside and outside of hercage! I removed the "litter box" I originally placed there just lastnight, because she has been using it as a bed but still urinatingwhenever and wherever the urge came, be it corners, or middle of hercage. I do have her cage placed very close to Dusty's, but the two aregetting along flawlessly, (Except Dusty is trying to mate w/ her, buthe's neutered.) She is just as bad outside of her cage. My firstinstict is to leave her inside of her cage, clean it daily, and let herlearn NOT to live in her own filth by going in one place. She's beenhere almost a week and no change. Does anyone have any suggestions?

And also, on a seperate topic, should baby buns be extremely active? Asin, more active than adult rabbits? You'd never know Amber was a babyif not for her size. ...She's also rather bony, and we're workingonfattening her up w/ unlimited pellets, hay, tons of lettuce &occasional pizza crusts :)
Check the Top Picks thread, theres lots of goodlinks to info on litter training. I understand that it willstart to come with boys weren't doing well when I first gotthem, they are doing much better now, (approx 4 months old)...theystill don't poop in it all the time, but that I can live with...theynever pee outside the litter boxes anymore!
Are you planning to get Amber spayed?

We had the same problems with Ellie when we first got her....she wouldpee onEVERYTHING!

We got her spayed when she was 6 mos old andimmediately shestarted using her litter box, and continues to have impecable pottyhabits.

My 2 yo spayed female is the same way.Just adopterd her last week and she has wonderful litter habits...washolding her and she kept peeking at the litterbox in the play pen, puther in there and she went right to it and used it!!

Hoping the neuter next week will help the boys iwith the last of thepoop portion...I've read several places that getting em fixed helpsalot. Weird!
Poopies I can deal with!! It's thatstinky bunny pee I hate. Our vet told us that male bunny peeis even worse than female. Is that true?
It takes a while and a lot of patience, whenShawn kept peeing on the carpet I picked him up and put him in hislittertray ,he soon got the right idea, do your buns get alonyg enough to livetogether because my older bun taught my baby to use the litter tray hejust copied him. My baby Zebedee is also a lot more active than Shawn.
bunnee mom wrote:
Poopies I can deal with!! It's that stinky bunnypee I hate. Our vet told us that male bunny pee is even worsethan female. Is that true?

I honestly don't know..I'm using Woody Pet so don't generally smell any of it... ;)
It takes a while and a lot of patience,when Shawn kept peeing on the carpet I picked him up and put him in hislittertray ,he soon got the right idea, do your buns get alonyg enough to livetogether because my older bun taught my baby to use the litter tray hejust copied him. My baby Zebedee is also a lot more active thanShawn.
I just put her in w/ him. She's hanging out in his litter box, andsince she normally relieves her self every couple of minutes, thatmeans she must be using it! If she goes outside of his box, I'm worriedshe'll teach dusty some bad habbits instead of him teaching her goodones! They do seem to get along well:)
Poopies I can deal with!! It's that stinky bunny pee Ihate. Our vet told us that male bunny pee is even worse thanfemale. Is that true?
I don't know, she smells pretty bad! :pWhen we firstgot Dusty, he marked his territory through urination as well as leavingdroppings, and I remember his urin was very orange colored and gunky(very gross) but I think this was due to us feeding him too muchalphalfa hay instead of Timothy hay. Now that he eats only Timothy hay,his urin is clear and actually smells quite a bit less than Amber's. Ofcourse, Dusty is using his litter box and Amber is NOT. They are curledup together in his cage now. The door is closed and they both lookcontent. 6 months is a long time to be constantly mopping up her urin,so I hope she learns quickly! If not though, I suppose I should makeuse of her wire-bottomed cage and put in something more odor-controlingthan newspaper. --The breeder sold her to us with PINEshavings! Isn't that practically a crime? She was wheezing the night wegot her home but it has stopped, so I wonder if the shavings could havecausedthe symptom. She loves sleeping inthat newfluffy paper based bedding.

I honestly don't know..I'm using Woody Pet so don't generally smell any of it... ;)

I probably need some of that! What is Woody Pet constructed like? (pellets/woodchips/paper?)
Kinda like a wood pellet that goes into theconsistency of pine when it gets wet. SOme greatstuff. I have 3 bunnies in a small bedroom and can walk inthere and not smell "bunny" at all. I love the stuff....checkthe link that was posted will help you find someone in yourarea that sells it...I pay 4.99 for a 30lb bag.
Not to speak too soon but, now that she is withDusty, she seems to be urinating, at least for the most part, in hisbox!:D She's still a little poop factory though ;)
bunnee mom wrote:
Poopies I can deal with!! It's that stinky bunnypee I hate. Our vet told us that male bunny pee is even worsethan female. Is that true?
Before Benji was fixed he was peeing and spraying all over. And booooydid it STINK!! And that was before I knew about Woody Pet, too. We wentthrough dozens of bottles of Fabreeze. We also had to scrub his cageout about every 2-3 days. What a messy stinkie little bunnie. So cute,though!!

After he was fixed he stopped spraying and then we litter trained him.He now has immaculate litter habit. He even poops most of the time inhis litter pan.

This is the first time I've heard of WoodyPet. I'll have to check and see if it's available aroundhere. We use Yesterday's News and there is no odor.

***** after I posted this I went to the Woody Pet site and there isa Tractor & Lawn store right down the street from me thatcarries it....and all kinds of rabbit supplies too!! DUHHHH Ithought they just sold equipment!

I used to use Yesterday's News, too. As well as shredded paper, aspen shavins, and Carefresh.

IMO...none were a comparision to Woody Pet

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