Well-Known Member
She's a beautiful, tan-orangecoloredmini-lop who is, according to her breeder, a littleover 12 weeks old. Now, litter training came naturally to our otherrabbit Dusty, who simply chose a corner, later found a box placedthere, and he uses that corner/litter box to this day! Our new bun"Amber" (She's so pretty) is used to living in a small 2X4,wire bottomed cage with all of her siblings & mother in it! Shepees and dropps pellets indiscriminantly both inside and outside of hercage! I removed the "litter box" I originally placed there just lastnight, because she has been using it as a bed but still urinatingwhenever and wherever the urge came, be it corners, or middle of hercage. I do have her cage placed very close to Dusty's, but the two aregetting along flawlessly, (Except Dusty is trying to mate w/ her, buthe's neutered.) She is just as bad outside of her cage. My firstinstict is to leave her inside of her cage, clean it daily, and let herlearn NOT to live in her own filth by going in one place. She's beenhere almost a week and no change. Does anyone have any suggestions?
And also, on a seperate topic, should baby buns be extremely active? Asin, more active than adult rabbits? You'd never know Amber was a babyif not for her size. ...She's also rather bony, and we're workingonfattening her up w/ unlimited pellets, hay, tons of lettuce &occasional pizza crusts
And also, on a seperate topic, should baby buns be extremely active? Asin, more active than adult rabbits? You'd never know Amber was a babyif not for her size. ...She's also rather bony, and we're workingonfattening her up w/ unlimited pellets, hay, tons of lettuce &occasional pizza crusts