Hi, my bunny jack, 3yrs old, boy, neutered, I notice he had a head tilt and that he was looking thin so took him to the vet who found he had a tooth that was too long and had stopped him eating, this wason monday and they knocked him out and filed it down. since then he's been given critical care and metacam and he's been up and down with eating the critical care, but won't ouch anything else.i've given him carrot tops, dandilion leaves, grass, clover apple and he won't eat it. he starts to take it and chews for a bit and then it stays half hanging out of his mouth un eaten un chewed. he's so skinny now andquitelathargic and still has a head tilt when he's tried to eat somethingand has been back the the vet twice since monday, latest this morning, she says to keep trying with the food and that it's something bunnies do is give up. she's looked in his mouth and says it's healing well and it all looks good. Anyway if anyone has any ideas on how to get him eating as it's been almost a week now and i desperately want him to pull through. any helpful suggestions quickly would be appreciated.