Help Bunny Stinking up the House

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Jan 23, 2014
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I have a 16 week old Flemish Giant buck that I absolutely adore. However, he is stinking up my living room! I clean his litter box daily and any extra droppings thoughout the day. And I do a complete cage cleaning at least once or twice a week. I have him him in an 4 x 4 exercise pen and let him out in the living room for extra play time. But lately I haven't been wanted to let him out as often because he keeps spraying/peeing on EVERYTHING!!! It's so much that I can't keep up with cleaning it all. And since it's such a fine mist, unless I'm right next to him and know that he's just done it and where at, I can't get it all cleaned up. I am planning on getting him neutered as soon as our tax money comes in and I will have to have our living room steam cleaned. The smell just about knocks you over. Any advice in the meantime would be greatly appreciated. Even his droppings stink. He isn't allowed on the couches anymore either because as soon as he jumps up on them, he pees! Sulley is so much fun and we love having him, but this part is no fun!!!!
The neutering should hopefully resolve most of the problem for you; it sounds like his hormones are kicking in in a big way. :( It may not help too much, but if you do notice him peeing, try cleaning the area with white vinegar. My little guys were both potty trained that way.

His normal droppings shouldn't smell... unless they're cecotropes that are being smushed. Is it possible his anal glands might need some buildup removed? Apparently that can be pretty stinky.
Like Pani suggested - neutering will really help. But to get the smell out of the floor/carpet/sofa etc in the meantime, try baking soda. When Mouse would pee on the futon (one of his favourite pastimes!), when we caught it fresh, we would sprinkle baking soda on it, and then cover it in a towel or paper towel, followed by a heavy book. You have to vacuum it up after as well, but that will at least get a lot of the smell out so that Sulley won't smell the pee on that area and assume it's an ok place to potty.

Good luck!