HELP! Baby kit is withering away.(RIP)

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Jun 28, 2010
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Buffalo, New York, USA
I'm fostering 3 beautiful angora rabbits that were recently rescued from a terrible breeding operation. One of them had 6 kits the day I picked her up. They were born Saturday morning 6/19, so we're on day 9.

All but one of the rabbits were doing great. The 2 brown ones were sort of skinny by around day 4, so for a few days I would give mom treats and let them nurse first.

One of the "twins" is doing great. His eyes even opened today.

The other one just never seemed to grow, even with my encouraging mom to let him nurse first. After a while he was about half the size of the others, though he didn't seem skinny or weak. Here he is (with a full belly) on day 3 and here he is as of last night. He didn't grow at all. If anything, he shrank. I found him last night in his mom's empty food dish. He was cold and curled up. I think she put him there to dispose of him, but he was squeaking at me. We whisked him back to the rescue and they gave me kitten milk replacer. He ate an eyedropper's worth.



We put him in a tiny hamster carrier with a heating pad under half and let him rest. This morning he was doing pretty good and even trying to walk around when he heard me. At about noon I tried giving his mom treats and letting him nurse again. it seemed to work although his belly wasn't distended.

Now he's cold and though he's stretched out and not huddled in a ball like yesterday, he's very weak. He's not eating the KMR like he was yesterday, and he's not nursing when I try to help him underneath his mom.
Is there anything I can do with this poor baby? Please help...there aren't any vets around here that address small animals like this one. The vet the rescue uses is far away and closed at night.


Thank you...

You've been giving him the best care possible, but unfortunately the 'failure to thrive' syndrome is very common in baby rabbits and there really isn't much that can be done.

The mortality rate is pretty high from birth to a few weeks past weaning, but its still a lot better than in the wild where I think less than 30% survive the first few months.

Keep him warm, give him a few drops of warm water or KRM if he wants it, but don't get your hopes up.

I don't think the vet can do anything more for him than you're already doing.

Sorry it's so tough. :(

sas :pray:
Its what we breeders refer to as faders. Unfortunately there may not be much you can do for it at that age. Sometimes healthy babies will wither away like that, for no reason at all. Its something that happens within most rabbitries.

Is it hot where her litter is at? Sometimes they will do that if the nest is in a location where it is too hot for them.

About the best thing you can do for it right now is keep it comfortable till it passes on its own, or you have to euthanize it.
I aggree with the above^ theres not much more you can do for them, some breeders put them down thereselfs, they could be lucky and sirvive.
We have an old house without central air. I've been keeping the windows open to cool the room. Most of the time I would say it is about 75 degrees outside. At night it dipsto low70s. The temp inside is comfortable, a few degrees below whatever it is outside. I told the rescue if it gets over 80 I'll move them into an AC'ed room.

I have a bunch of washcloths in their nest and someone (probably the mom) keeps spreading a washcloth flat over the top ofall the kits. Maybe this means it isn't too warm for them? I don't know.

Well, unfortunately when my husband got home we found little Cinnamon took his trip to the Rainbow Bridge :(
Poor little guy, we did the best we could for him.

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