help: are my buns fighting or is it hormones?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2004
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Today I went into feed jack and hetti andfound a large clump of jacks fur in the carpet. Jack was inhis hutch and would not come out but would let me stroke him, which isnot like him at all.

Hetti has thrown her food bowl over this morning and I amwondering if Jack has malted or if she has attacked him.

She is about 4 months old potty trained and not too destructive is it time for her to be spayed do you think?

Also do you think hetti pulled jacks fur out?
4 months and up is the only time a vet will spayor neuter. Most vets I have talked to want the rabbit toweigh 3 pounds. They would prefer if the female was even 31/2 to 4 pounds. Call your local vet and ask if you can bringyour bun by and have him (or her) weighed. The vet will bemore likely to tell you if and when they can do the surgery.Good luck ;) my buns are going in soon too

It could be a hormone thing, but my advice is watch them secretlytogether, what I mean is you be out of their sight and sort of spy onthem and see what happens, stay close by so you can intervene if itgets nasty and then you'll get an idea as to what's going on maybe.

Goodluck with them and keep us updated on how things go
Hi Well My female who is notfixed does the same to our fixed male flemish... it is usually when shewants to ummmmmmm.................... get some?????? is thathow i should put it???? he hides to soo...... but good luck in findingthe answer and hope all goes well!!!!

Happy Bunnying!!!
Hello my female sniffers is about 10mthsand male thumper is about 3 mths. when we let them outsniffers will run over to thumper sniff nosesand nip at himin the buttwhile thumper puts his head down to the floor andholds real still i've also noticed he nudges her. seem friendly to you?yesturday thumper got into sniffers cage she nipped him a few time laiddown a few times then booted him out. he was probably inthere for about 5 or 10 nminutes. lol neither are fixed andim not planning on getting them done because im planning on breedingthem. if got a female mini lop or a male mini lop or both how do youthink they would do?